
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday: Give Me That Old Time Religion

What is Religion?

The people in America feel that everything they started is the newest, bestest, most special thing on the planet.  They also think that everything they started is the most pure and innocent.  But, the reality is that behind every idea in this country, someone is sitting in a grand hall somewhere, who actually started and sent their "people" out to get the people to make it popular.  Most times, it's done simply for the love of money.  Take religion, for example.  Everyone thinks the country was started based on some innocent and moral Christian ideal.  It is not true in the least bit.  Oh, don't get me wrong.  Telling elementary school kids that the pilgrims came to run from persecution is a great story, but it is not the truth, in the least bit.  America was started for money pure and simple.  But, we tell each other these lies so that we can feel better about ourselves.  You cannot sell, "land of the free, and home of the brave" if the truth is rich men were sent here to basically be lords and duke over huge tracts of land, we know now as states and from day one they wanted cheap labor, like the Mexicans we have today.  Back then, they were called indentured servants, and then slaves.

This notion that religion played a part in this country is so ingrained in people that they refuse to believe this country was a money venture then, and is still a money venture today.  Instead of slaves and indentured servants, we simply have the poor and middle class.  And, religion still keeps the masses upon masses of people from rising up and defeating the upper class and becoming masters of themselves.

Let's look at religion for a second.  The entire foundation of this new country is a mere two centuries.  It is a drop in the bucket, in the history of man. Yet, Americans delude themselves with the opiate of religion telling themselves that they are better than other countries because we take care of our poor and have charity for the disabled.  It is so far from the truth, as to be not even conceivable that one could tell one self that.  Other countries truly take care of their poor and truly take care of their disabled.  The current administration passed a law stating that charitable donations are taxable to nearly every penny donated.  In other words, "give to charity and we'll tax you".  Apparently churches and charities don't have enough money to lobby congress to get that repealed.  Oh, there's that word money again.

The country is also sold on the marketing scheme that Christianity is the only religion on the planet that leads to this so called Heaven.  In fact, no other religion on the planet, today, has so many splinter groups.  Everyone wants to call themselves Christian and yet wants their way of being a "Christian".  But, they all agree that other religions, definitely are not the way to get to Heaven.  The truth of the matter is, Christianity is just another religion among religions: Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Scientology, Sikhism, Taoism, Baha'i, Confucianism, Vodun, Asatru, Druidism, Goddess Worship, Wicca, Witchcraft, Caodaism, Damanhur Community, Deism, Druze, Eckankar, Elian Gonzalez religious movement, Gnosticism, Gypsies, Hare Krishna - ISKCON, Ifa, the religion of the Yoruba people of West Africa, Lukumi, Macumba, Mowahhidoon, Native American Spirituality, Rom/Roma/Romani/Rroma (a.k.a. Gypsies), Santeria, Satanism-The Church of Satan, Unitarian Universalist Symbol Unitarian-Universalism, The Creativity Movement (formerly called World Church of the Creator), The Yazidi branch of Yazdanism, Zoroastrianism.

For the most part, religion is a case of location and not a case of actual belief.  If you're born in a certain country, for the most part, you're going to have a state religion that everyone believes in.  Americans like to delude themselves that there is no state religion, while 75% of the country believes in Christianity.  Is that by accident?

According to David Barrett and team, there are 19 major world religious groupings in the world which are subdivided into a total of about 10,000 distinct religions. Of the latter, there were 270 religions and para-religions which had over a half million adherents in the year 2000 CE. Within Christianity, they have identified 34,000 separate groups (denominations, sects, individual unaffiliated churches, para-church groups, etc) in the world. "Over half of them are independent churches that are not interested in linking with the big denominations."
Even considering a single religion, Christianity, within a single country, there are often thousands of individual "Christian confessions and denominations." For example, Barrett et al. states that there are:
  • 4,684 groups in the U.S.
  • 3,364 in South Africa.
  • 2,079 in Nigeria.
  • 1,581 in Brazil.
  • 1,327 in South-central Asia.

Among other English-speaking countries, there are:
  • 828 groups in the UK.
  • 469 in Canada.
  • 267 in Australia
  • 175 in New Zealand.
 But, you might be asking yourself, what is the "true religion".  Here's a quote that might shock you:
"...just because you don't bow on your knees and worship an idol or an invisible being, does not mean you are not a Satan worshiper. The worship of any other god (s) is the same thing. There are no other gods. They are demons and Satan is in control of them." From the website
I'm sure a lot of Christians would be horrified if they found that they were worshiping Satan all this time, all the while thinking they were being pure and holy.

Everyone wants to believe that they have the true religion.  But, what does "God" want?  Many have claimed that they have prayed and asked "God" and come to the conclusion that he told them to start a religion.
When people pray to God for enlightenment, most seem to conclude that their own religion and faith group is the true one. If people could access the will of God on this matter, then a vast majority of the world's population -- the folks who pray -- would realize that their faith group was not the true one. They would gradually migrate to the true religion. There would eventually be only one religion and one tradition within that religion left standing. Otherwise, people would be rejecting the will of God. All the other 11,000 religions and their tens of thousands of denominations or traditions would be phased out.
Think about that for a second.  If we could pray to "God" and ask him what his true will would be, the Christian religion would be wiped out, Judaism wiped out, Islam wiped out and we'd be left with one world religion and only one sect of it.

In America we have marketing.  You cannot just be a Christian.  You HAVE to go and get your neighbor to be a Christian too.  Apparently, "God" needs help with people getting to believe in him.  Maybe, he's not as powerful as Christians say he is.

It is illogical.

You cannot have both an ALL-POWERFUL "God" and yet he can't convince the person next to you that they should believe in him?  Either he is not all-powerful and not a "God" at all, or your religion has no basis in a "God" to begin with.  Because, an all-powerful being does not need an ant like you to convince people that he is all-powerful.  The right conclusion then, is that you are caught up in a marketing scheme and your "religion" has no basis in actual fact.  It makes more logical sense that you are spreading your religion, and not a belief in "God".  People seem to confuse their religion with reality.  If you say to them that, they believe in a religion and not believe in "God" they get very defensive.  In fact, they cannot divorce themselves from their religion.

For instance, if you said to a Jew to work out the logic behind "God" being the creator and making everything perfect, and "God's" need for men to circumcise themselves, they would go into their religious diatribe and not give you any logical answer how the two can coexist.  If you said to a homosexual Christian how they could call themselves a Christian, when the religion itself has many many direct strictures about being homosexual, they would go into their personal beliefs and how they can be both homosexual and yet still try to belong to the religion.  If you said to a Christian to explain how the founder of their religion, Jesus, was a Jew and yet Christians have hated Jews for over 2,000 years and even slaughtered them left and right, they cannot.

For most Americans they have no idea that what they are worshipping is a religion and not actually "God".  They have bought into some else's marketing scheme and believe whole-heartedly that their religion is the one true religion and that ALL others are wrong.

The truth of the matter is, Christianity, Islam and Judaism are just a few religion in a vast sea of religions.  They are no more right than the other half a million religions around the world.  And, according to the scholar on satanism, they might all be simply a deception to get people to worship Satan instead.

Give Me That Old Time Religion

     (with apologies to Pete Seeger)

    Give me that Old Time Religion,
    Give me that Old Time Religion,
    Give me that Old Time Religion ...
    It's good enough for me!

We will worship Aphrodite,
'Though she's kind of wild and flighty -
We will see her in her 'nighty
And that's good enough for me!

We'll sing praises to Apollo;
Where the Sun God leads we'll follow
('Though his head's a little hollow) -
He's good enough for me!

With the aid of my athame
I can throw a "double-whammy"
(And can slice and dice salami!)
So it's good enough for me.

Let us raise a toast to Bachus,
We will raise a royal ruckus,
Then we'll lay us down and f**k us -
That's good enough for me.

It was good enough for Buddha,
As a god he kinda cute-a,
And he comes in brass or pewta'
So he's good enough for me!

Well the Christians all are humming
'Cause they say their God is coming;
Our God came three times this evening;
That's good enough for me.

Uncle Crowley was a dreamer
At the Abbey of Thelema
But his magic is a screamer,
So it's good enough for me.

When the clouds they are a'rumbling
And the thunder is a'grumbling,
Then it's Crowley that you're mumbling,
And it's good enough for me!

We will worship Great Cthulhu,
We will worship Great Cthulhu,
And we'll feed him Mr. Sulu
'Cause that's good enough for me!

It was good enough for Dagan,
A conservative old pagan,
Who still votes for Ronald Reagan,
But he's good enough for me!

Well I'm tired of Ronald Reagan,
He's too square to be a pagan,
Let's all vote for Carl Sagan!
He's good enough for me.

We all worshipped Dionysus
'Till we ran into a crisis -
The bar had raised its prices;
That's not good enough for me.

We will worship like the Druids
And drink strange, fermented fluids
And run naked through the woods
'Cause that's good enough for me!

We will go and sing "Hosanna"
To our good ol' pal, Gotamma.
He will never flim or flam ya',
And that's good enough for me!

It was good enough for Isis,
'Cause she comes through in a crisis
And she's never raised her prices
So she's good enough for me.

There are some that call it folly
When we worship Mother Kali.
She may not be very jolly
But she's good enough for me.

Shall we sing in praise of Loki,
Though he left poor Midgard smokey?
Oh, his sense of humor's hokey,
But he's good enough for me.

It was good enough for Loki,
The old Norse god of chaos,
Which is why this verse doesn't rhyme or scan,
But it's good enough for me!

Montezuma liked to start out
Rites by carrying a part out
That would really tear your heart out,
But it's good enough for me!

It was good enough for Odin
Though the tremblin' got forbodin'
Then the giants finally strode in,
But it's good enough for me.

There's that lusty old Priapus -
He's just itching to unwrap us.
(He'd do more to us than tap us
And that's good enough for me!)

Shall we sing a verse for Thor,
Though he leaves the maidens sore?
They always come back for more,
So he's good enough for me!

It was good enough for Venus,
Of the Gods she is the meanest
And she bit me on my ... elbow
But she's good enough for me!

There are those who practice Voodoo,
There are those who practice Voodoo,
I know I do, I hope you do -
It's good enough for me.

Meeting at the Witching Hour
By the Bud and Branch and Flower
Folks are raising up the power
And that's where I want to be.

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See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

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