
Friday, May 20, 2011

Harold Camping is Liar and a Is Not a Christian

End of the World is Not Tomorrow

Anyone that says the world is going to end tomorrow, next week, or next year is not a Christian and is a Satanist.  You should have enough knowledge of how the Bible works and what Christians are supposed to do, to know this.  Even atheists know this to be true.  I challenge anyone who says that the world is going to end, show me what they have been doing in the past 10 years, and I will show you a Satanist.  You cannot both believe in god and believe that you can PREDICT the end of the world.  Unless you are a very uneducated Christian you should know the last gift of the holy trinity was the holy spirit.  Once the holy spirit was given to man, there was no need of prophecy and prophets and someone else to interpret what the lord has in store for you.  The holy spirit is supposed to commune with everyone on the planet.  You either believe in the holy spirit as a Christian or you are not a Christian.  You cannot have both.  Yes this means, there is no need for you to listen to a minister tell you every Sunday what you need to do, once you have accepted Christ.  Sure, study the bible and learn what you're supposed to do, but there is no need for repetitive meeting with a congregation to hear the call to Christianity.  Does that make sense?  Once you've accepted the call to Christianity, what need have you of hearing it over and over.

Let's take a look at Harold Camping.
At the center of it all, Camping's organization, Family Radio, is perfectly happy to take your money -- and in fact, received $80 million in contributions between 2005 and 2009. Camping founded Family Radio, a nonprofit Christian radio network based in Oakland, Calif. with about 65 stations across the country, in 1958.

According to their most recent IRS filings, Family Radio is almost entirely funded by donations, and brought in $18 million in contributions in 2009 alone.

What the 2009 IRS filings don't show, is how the organization's donations and expenses may have changed during 2010 and leading up to the May 21 Judgment Day prediction.

In the last few months, Family Radio billboards have popped up across the country. And the group purchased RVs to drive around the country on its evangelizing missions.

Those expenses could have changed their financial picture, but since Family Radio doesn't have to turn in their next IRS filing until November, it may not even matter.
What's rather crazy is this guy has a multi-million dollar bunker for his true believers, to hunker down in.  Either the world is going to end, or it isn't.  Make up your mind Harry.  Also, they changed the date.  It WAS the 22nd, but then they changed it to 21st.

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