
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

College is Over part 2

College is Over 2

50% of colleges will be shut down in 10 years

"The spurt of closures would seem to support Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen’s recent doubling down on his infamous prediction that as many as half of the country’s colleges and universities will find themselves bankrupt or shuttered within 10 years."

The news refuses to report this. But, the news does report the clashes of leftist leaning students, indoctrinated by fully communist leaning professors, emboldening them to act out. Which then promotes other students in other colleges to act out.

But, the real reason the colleges are closing aren't because of the leftist leaning students acting out. The real reason the colleges are closing is because the normal students parents' are plucking them out of school.

The real reason the colleges are closing is because the male students are targeted by feminist indoctrinated female students rampantly falsely accusing male students of assault,  are leaving, in droves.

The real reason is the feminists are putting out over the top fake claims of 1 in 4 female students are being raped on campus, and the normal male and female students are fleeing the colleges like rats from a sinking ship.

The real reason the colleges are closing is because companies, big and small, are receiving incompetent graduates from these colleges and then refusing to make any more donations to the colleges.

So it is not the leftist students that are suffering. It is all the other 99% of students who are saying screw you guys i'm out of here.

And at the end of the day, when companies get these recent graduates and they have no reading comprehension, no people skills, all feeling and zero technical skills, they are literally writing off the colleges as a no go, and the recent graduates are the ones who have been failed by these colleges that promoted this leftist agenda, run amuck.

50% of all colleges will close by 2030. There will be no need for a national policy for forgiving student loans, if no one is actually going to college. There will be no need for the government to guarantee student loans for life, if almost no one has a degree.

For now, it is super obvious which colleges are closing, because each day, they make an announcement. We will cease scholastic operations as of this month. And they all seem to be religious schools, that are located away from religious people, that allowed non-religious students to enter, and hired non-religious professors, who were communist leaning.

This formula is repeated over and over and over.

  • Communists come to the school; 
  • indoctrinate a group of students; students act out; 
  • normal students flee; 
  • barely any new students come in; 
  • college shuts down.

You can be mad and offended all you want, but that is literally happening.

It's so bad that colleges are selling off land, vehicles, equipment to try and stay open.

It's so bad that enrollment that was 50,000 5 years ago, is now looking at an entering freshmen class of 300, sorry 250.

Let's talk about the last nail in the coffin. The freefall exodus of male students from colleges. Male students are targeting by everyone. And, if you say, well male students go into the STEM colleges, it's not true, because feminists are now targeting STEM colleges all over the place and raising tremendous amounts of funding to pit female students from male students.

The final straw is the spike of false accusations of female STEM students against male STEM students specifically or male STEM students in general, claiming that they drop out because the male STEM students make it impossible to study there. They are even taking out entire departments by false accusations of male professors, their graduate student aids, and undergrad student researchers. And, as if that wasn't enough, they continue the false accusations and follow the professors, grad students, and undergrad students outside of the college, even after they graduate or attend another college.

When your lead department professor researcher leaves, and the entire research staff leaves too, you don't have a department. And, finally when the story comes out that the accusation was all false and made up, to hide the fact that the female student, just couldn't get up to speed in STEM, your college is ruined, because now that story is national news and you kicked out a professor, based on no evidence, and terminated about 50 people, and shut down one of the few national research departments, that incoming students register at  your college for.

P.S. Black colleges don't seem to have this problem, but there was a push to close them nationally, saying there was no longer a need for them. In actuality, there is a stronger need for them today than ever before. Black colleges graduate 90% of Black undergrads, grads and PhDs. Successful educated Black men make lifelong connections at Black colleges. It is one of the few success stories in the Black community. The majority of rich and wealthy Black people are educated. The same is not true for white people. However, rich white people can be rich and wealthy in spite of their lack of education. Black people it seems are stuck, statistically speaking. According to statistics, it is a higher percentage chance for a Black person to be financially successful if they go to college and attend a Black college. Black people are still the majority group that highers Black people, not the government, and not any other group.

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