What could a Mr. Universe Dexter Jackson teach you about being losing belly fat
Most of us are told that exercise, sleep, and drinking water should keep you thin. But a lot of trainers are now coming out and saying none of that does anything to your waistline. And, while they might say diet is important and what you eat is the key, it's not as simple as cut down on calories.
I won't go so far as to say that people are intentionally misleading you about diet, but it's just that what they think they are saying, and the actual truth aren't so simple. And that all came to head when a Mr. Universe stepped on stage and he had a flat stomach, 6 months after he had been in another competition, where he had a huge belly.
In an interview he was asked how that came about. While he refused to say that actual details and secret, he did speak at length on the general topic.
It is believed that bodybuilders can be identified with using steroids, by seeing them with a huge belly. However, this Mr. Universe said, people are getting that totally wrong. The belly doesn't come from steroid use, the belly comes from eating. When you are 300+ pounds and you have to eat 12 times a day to maintain the weight, any sort of bad habit, in the diet, is going to be compounded 12 times whatever, each and every day.
So if a bodybuilder is eating thousands of calories, it doesn't even matter that a month out he is cutting water, to reduce fat right under the skin to show off how vascular he came become, visceral fat is going to be totally unaffected.
Visceral fat, is belly fat. On men, the belly is the first place we put on fat, and the last place we lose fat. On women it is the hips, coinciding with childbirth capabilities. So what's the way to lose fat around the belly?
To get away from carbs, most Americans are told to buy products that does not have natural sugar in it, and instead consume items that say sugar free, but has great taste. When you look on the ingredients then, it has artificial sweeteners. These sweeteners have not only been proven to be toxic, but they also apparently pack on the fat, on the body, which was the point, they were supposed to remove.
His dietician immediately got him off of the sweeteners, cleaned up his palate of needing to eat food with a sugary taste and had him use a secret ingredient.
American diet is now filled with sugar or sugar substitutes. The American palate is kept child like, to not like savory, bitter and sour tastes, which is how tastes are supposed to mature as we age.
So his dietician got rid of all the sugar substitutes, and sugar, and made him eat foods in their most natural state.
A lot has been discovered about the gut bacteria. Not only have we discovered probiotics, bacteria that we can eat to put in our gut that helps with digestion, but we now also know prebiotics, food that that bacteria loves to eat.
When we have a perfect gut bacteria, and eat to maintain that perfection, 50% of what you're eating is also going to make you thinner. It's as if we're eating for two, one to feed us and one to feed our gut bacteria.
Unfortunately, on this topic, if you search, you're going to run into tons of just bad bad information. In this space, of talking about gut bacteria, the vegan activists have taken over and google and other search engines are filled with this nonsense, so let me stop you before you fall for this.
Eating farm raise, pasture raised meats beats out nearly all nutrition derived from eating plants. Why? Because, just as we've discovered about biotics and prebiotics, we've also discovered actual plant nutrition.
We've discovered that most plants, contrary to popular belief, do not want to be eaten. Their defense mechanisms, is to have toxins in their leaves and stems and fruits. These toxins, over time, do tremendous harm.
Also, we can't digest most of the plant fiber we eat. We just don't have the enzymes to do it. But guess who does? Animals that have eaten those plants for thousands of years. Also, these toxins are so bad in the plant, that they block your cells from absorbing, the very nutrition you're trying to get by eating the planet. You can literally starve, while eating the plants.
So, two things you can do, cook any plant food. Eat meats that eat those plants. Humans digest meats that have a great diet of eating plants, than they could ever be successful eating the plant themselves. Even fish, that eat fish, that eat plants, is more nutritious than eating the plants directly.
Even worse, is the idea that eating a plant based diet can reduce or even cure you of cancer. Let's take a look at the science:
the ANCI (American National Cancer Institute) began The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer study and 30 years later they published their results:
The possibility that fruit and vegetables may help to reduce the risk of cancer has been studied for over 30 years, but no protective effects have been firmly established"
Then why would institutions at a government level push a plant based diet if there's no evidence to suggest it's healthy? That doesn't make sense?
A possible explanation: Because plant foods make money. Lot's of money:
-Fertilizers to nourish the ground
Industry valued at approximately $200 billion
-Pesticides to keep bugs off
Industry valued at approximately $215.2 billion
-Huge machines to harvest
Industry valued at approximately $94.5 billion
-Huge factories to process and store
Industry valued at approximately $2.4 trillion
-Insane amounts of plastic to package
Industry valued at approximately $412 billion
-Massive transport systems = money
Industry valued at approximately $160 billion
-Electricity for almost every aspect of the system
The largest contributor to global emissions
-Healthcare to treat sick people
Industry valued at approximately $2.2 trillion
Whereas food from local ruminant animals require:
- Fields for them to feed
- Zero pesticides or fertilizers
- No huge machinery
- Very little factory and processing units
- Very small transport systems
- Way less energy
- Even less healthcare
The diet to have, outside of having a secret ingredient, like Mr. Universe has, then is to eat a diet high in pasture raised meats, with the occasional cooked vegetable, and lots of meat based fats.
Meat based fats are now coming out of hiding, since we know that vegetable oil industries were behind all sorts of terrible misinformation, against them. So now chicken fat, duck fat, beef fat, and butter, etc are all coming back as very nutritional staple in the diet, and a part of mental and physical health.
In fact, it is now known that the meat based fats, should be the larger portion of the the 3 essentials: fats, carbs, and proteins, with carbohydrates coming in a very distant 3rd place.
We now know that fats are essential for such things as preventing dementia and all of those diseases, memory loss, hearth health, cardiovascular health, and of course, muscle health.
So i can't tell you what the Mr. Universes' secret ingredient is, but I can recommend a diet high in meat based fats, means from pasture raised animals, and non sugar carbohydrates from cooked vegetables only. In fact, make fermented vegetables the largest portion of those vegetables.
Finally vegans and vegetarian activists will try to confuse you by saying such and so vegetable has more protein or vitamins than meat in them, but here's the deal:
you cannot absorb the proteins or nutrients from the plants. The form of protein and vitamins from plants is totally different from those in meats. For example, proteins in plants is non-heme, while those in meats are heme. You can absorb heme proteins to the tune of 40% vs non-heme only 2%. But the vegan/vegetarians aren't going to tell you that.
I hate to tell all of you vegan/vegetarians watching this, but you've been had, bamboozled, took, run amuck.
Also, any good doctor will tell you to not feed your growing children a vegan/vegetarian diet, because they won't get the nutrition necessary to grow.
Also finally, fasting should be a part of your health approach. Fasting has so many benefits, the least of which is resetting your insulin resistance. Fasting also triggers your body to burn fat, instead of carbs for energy. So the body burns off the carbs in the body and then switches to burning the fat in your body. That means the visceral fat, around your belly, will be used.
And that's how that works.