Who's Behind the Anti-Revenge Message
The message is loud and clear, don't lash back at people, don't take revenge, turn the other cheek. Oh, wait, some of that is found in the bible. What if I told you these messages of not to take revenge on anyone is an orchestrated effort of the rich to keep poor people from rising up from the injustices that are hoisted on their shoulders daily? What if I told you that even the bible is completely tampered with to reflect this "know your place and stay in it," message? What if I told you the original text of the bible did not say anything about being a humble little servant and not speaking up for yourself? What if I told you the rich play by completely different rules, and they visit evil on the world to get richer, and have brainwashed you and your children to make sure you don't get back at them and take back what's yours?
If the population were to suddenly wake up and stop being "humble" and "meek" and actually stood on their own two feet and took their ball and went home, the rich would tumble over night.
A very good example I have is my martial arts career. I have trained in martial arts all my life, since I was 6 years old. I had quite a few different teachers. Each one had very very different philosophies on how to handle violence or a real life attacker. 90% of all the martial arts teachers would say "make sure if you get mugged to just hand over your wallet". There was one school of martial arts I belonged that the exact opposite philosophy was in effect. They were of the
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