Does God Actually Talk?
Does God really talk to people? With a resounding "Yes", I can answer that the Lord God, still talks to people today. Why do I believe this? There are three major reasons:
- God does not change
- He talked to the prophets of old
- He speaks to me often
The first reason I believe, and know that the Lord really talks to people today, is because God does not change. The Word of God confirms the fact that God does not change numerous times. The first is found in the Old Testament:
Malachi, 3:6a "For I am the Lord, I change not...." In other words, God's character does not change. He is always Good! He is always Holy, clean and pure. He is always truthful and just. He always treats His children the same....Right. So knowing this about God, helps us to understand that He will, through every generation, be the same towards us.
Believing that God does not change, is vital to the belief system of followers of Jesus Christ. Just as the Bible teaches us in Hebrews 11:6
Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him"Before we can believe that He actually speaks to His people, we must first believe that God is that ever constant equation in life itself, or we wouldn't be able to believe the rest of His message.
I will deal with the other two reasons, why I believe and know that God really does speak to people in my next message:
2) The second reason that I believe that the Lord really talks to people is because He spoke to the prophets of old. and finally, because, 3) He speaks to me, often. Pastor T.W.
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