Is Obama Snubbing Black Americans on Purpose?
- Blacks disproportionately go to prison [keyword disproportionately]
- Blacks don't get job when they are qualified for them [keyword qualified]
- Blacks pay more for insurance
- Blacks are still being redlined [keyword still] (Redlining is the practice of denying, or increasing the cost of, services such as banking, insurance, access to jobs,access to health care, or even supermarkets to residents in certain, often racially determined, areas. The term "redlining" was coined in the late 1960s by community activists in Chicago. It describes the practice of marking a red line on a map to delineate the area where banks would not invest; later the term was applied to discrimination against a particular group of people (usually by race or gender) no matter the geography. During the heyday of redlining, the areas most frequently discriminated against were black inner city neighborhoods. Through at least the 1990s this practice meant that banks would often lend to lower income whites but not to middle or upper income blacks.)
- Blacks do not get access to mortgages, even when they have credit scores that are at or above the appropriate level. [keyword appropriate level]
Now we come to the Congressional Black Caucus.
The Caucus describes its goals as "positively influencing the course of events pertinent to African-Americans and others of similar experience and situation," and "achieving greater equity for persons of African descent in the design and content of domestic and international programs and services."On its face, I, as a Black man, think the CBC is a complete failure, a failure the heights of which are boundless. The country which had hundreds of Historically Black Colleges to give Black Americans an equal footing and offer even remedial courses to give the poor and the illiterate Blacks a fighting chance, has seen them close in record numbers. Yet the CBC continue the regular congressional practice of adding pork and fat in legislation for their own, state, pet projects. Who cares if the bridge to nowhere gets funding if the local Black college shuts down, throwing tens of thousands of your own constituents back into the dark ages. [but I'm not here to point fingers, so you didn't read that]
The CBC encapsulates these goals in the following priorities: Closing the achievement and opportunity gaps in education, assuring quality health care for every American, focusing on employment and economic security, ensuring justice for all, retirement security for all Americans, increasing welfare funds and increasing equity in foreign policy.
In a show of solidarity and trying to appear as if they cared, the CBC came out to the press against the complete lack of attention to Black America as perpetrated by the Obama administration. For the record, I completely agree. For the list provided above, any president, with a heart, would bend over backwards to eradicate once and for all institutional racism which targets the second largest group of Americans in the nation. You can't build a solid tomorrow when whole segments of the population are targeted both by the private and public sector as scapegoats and a means to money launder ill-gained goods.
This administration turns a blind eye to a very obvious and sinister practice: target and make money off of Blacks. This isn't just a case of someone being racist. Racism at its core is nothing. You don't like someone because of their skin, so what. Go cry on someone's shoulder that cares. What I am talking about, and the data shows it, is that people have discovered they can target Blacks and due to government subsidies and programs, make billions of dollars off of it.
Incarcerating a Black person makes $30,000.00 yearly. An academic study in 2001 found the national and state average annual cost to be roughly the same, about $22,600. Adjusting for inflation, the current annual cost figure would amount to $28,200. The federal government’s Bureau of Justice Statistics says that 2,310,984 people are in state and federal correctional facilities. That implies an annual cost of $65 billion. For those of you keeping score at home, that’s more than global beverage giant Coca-Cola’s (NYSE: KO ( 57.24 ↓1.18 (2.02%)) entire annual revenue in 2008.Do the math. If incarcerating Black people makes more money than Coca-Cola makes around the entire world, do you think just maybe those Blacks might not be as "criminal" as you think? Americans need to grow up. In business, these days, if you can get away with lying, cheating, and stealing AND make a profit doing it, you'll do it. If you can pass mandatory sentencing for petty crimes and misdemeanors, you'll do it. Everyone is aware that congress passes legislation according to campaign contributions. Why is it so bloody hard to understand that nearly every law is now passed that way.
Why are Blacks behind bars? It is statistically impossible that a population that is only 13% represented in the country, could represent 25% of the entire world population behind bars. There are FOUR times the amount of Black people in jail and prison in America than the rest of the world prison population combined. So why are Blacks in jail? Because it makes so much damn money. It makes an ungodly amount of money. It makes so much money you can't even count it nor understand the number.
It’s a $1.6 billion outfit based in Nashville that owns or manages half the outsourced prison beds in the country. It keeps the 44 facilities it owns and the 20 it leases full: In 2008, 2007 and 2006, its average compensated occupancy was 95.5%, 98.2%, and 95.0%, respectively. That’s far better and with a greater economy of scale than the nation’s hotels, which were only 58.5% full as of April 2009.Can the same be said for higher insurance premiums for Blacks? That's a no-brainer.
Can the same be said for refusing to hire or readily firing Blacks? Ah, you have to remember that there's legislation.... remember way back when hiring Blacks was an issue? and they came up with this whole "Affirmative Action". It was supposed to make everyone equal. They had charts and graphs, figures and spreadsheets. Affirmative Action was supposed to cure Jim Crow southern America. But, what people didn't know is Affirmative Action only applied to corporation with government contracts and who received government money. So to make money they complied with Affirmative Action. So you comply by putting into plan to hire minorities and women. Hire them. Then fire them immediately after you have your money. The same is said of schools. Schools comply with affirmative action, then raise tuition for all students, which is their ultimate goal anyway. The more government money they receive, by barely complying, the larger their coffers become. No more Blacks are educated today than they did 25 years ago, in fact the numbers have gone drastically down.
Did the Clinton or Bush administration speak to these issues? No! Has the Obama administration spoken to these issues? Let's see what the Congressional Black Caucus has to say.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said that the administration hasn't done enough to target the African-American community when drafting economic recovery plans. African Americans, she said, have suffered a “devastation” during the economic downturn unlike the pain felt in other communities.
“When you have disproportionate pain, when you have the kind of devastation that we’re having in our community….You have to target legislation and actions so that you can deal with that devastation,” Waters said on TV One's "Washington Watch." “You have two sick patients. One has pneumonia and one has a cold. You don’t give aspirin to the one with pneumonia.”
“There’s no rift between the Congressional Black Caucus and the president and the administration,” said Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.). “I believe the president gets it.”
It has been said that President Obama is following the Bush policies succinctly. If you lay the two administrations plans side by side, you can clearly see that there is little to no deviation. Some even say that the Obama administration is the Bush policies carried to the next level, greater spending and more money laundering by Wall Street under the guise of these bailouts. Clearly the administration, that progressive whites and Blacks alike had hoped would put to wrest the question of racism and the complete subjugation of whole sectors of Black Americans has gone not only unanswered, but ignored.
In fact one reporter that asked President Obama, in his 100 days speech, directly "what will you do about the 50% unemployment rate of Black men in New york," was completely ignored.
The hand writing was on the wall way back then. We are now closing in on the one year anniversary of the Obama presidency, and nothing has been done, in fact it is now worsened with rising unemployment. The entire world expected president Obama to "clean up" America's long standing apartheid practices. The U.N. constantly spoke out against Bush not doing anything about the apartheid situation in America, and now they see with the Obama administration those speeches are falling on deaf ears.
It is a case of the first female to get a position of power so she overcompensates by being harder than all of her male predecessors. President Obama is going out of his way to avoid Black Americans. One political pundit said he is trying to avoid being looked upon as a civil rights activist.
Frankly, in my opinion, ALL of our civil rights and civil liberties and constitutional rights are being treaded upon by the Federal Reserve Bank, Wall Street, congress and this administration and state and local governments. We need a president to stand up for us and uphold the constitution.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.However the patriot act is still in place and is being enforced in such a manner that people cannot even tell you they are a victim of it. White people think they have it great right now, but all of these atrocities are going to be visited upon them, then who will speak out for them?
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