Joe Wilson Yells You Lie: Obama Lies
HR3200 the Obama Health Care Plan and Illegal Aliens
Let's look into the bill and what it actually does say about illegal aliens and receiving benefits from the ObamaCare plan. The simple fact is President Obama was in fact lying. The method by which illegal immigrants will come to be covered under ObamaCare is through the bill's (HR3200) failure to contain any
- citizenship verification requirement or
- enforcement mechanism mandated to verify one's eligibility.
Congressional democrats defeated two bills which actually enunciated a requirement to show proof of citizenship and an enforcement mechanism to verify one's eligibility. The only proof required for the ObamaCare plan pertains to family income. The democrats then crafted the current HR3200 to cover illegal aliens as well as citizens. The tremendous downside is that citizens would pay into this an illegal aliens would not, nor would their be required to pay into it.
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Of all the Immigration enforcements laws that really works E-Verify has settled in to removing illegal immigrants from the workplace. But there is a "Sunset Provision" that could determine its future, since it’s specially working for the millions of jobless Americans? Supposedly E-Verification expires on September 30, only days after a Federal judge turned down a desperate delay from the despicable Special interest lobbyists led by the US Chamber of Commerce. On September 8 E-Verify, a contingency of the SAVE ACT was fully implemented mandating that all federal contractors and sub-contractors--MUST--use this computerized identification system.
The American people must understand their is tremendous pressure on anemic members of both political parties to dismantle, store or hinder the E-Verify process as they are the puppets of rich business enterprises.
We must endeavor to continue on raising our voices against the powerful forces that think nothing more than to destroy this valuable commodity called E-Verify. Overtime it will rid from every workplaces of millions of illegal workers, who think they are safe from government intervention. It will save billions of dollars being exported to other lands and sever the tolerant welfare programs, health care, education accessed by illegal low wage earners. E-Verify could introduced in all medical facilities, to check a persons national identity. The expedited message will spread and these lawbreakers will realize that it's fruitless to keep on applying for jobs. Eventually families will start to pack-up and depart for every corner of the earth. But it's up to the American voter to keep relentlessly calling the Washington switchboard 202-224-3121contacting their politicians.
Evaluate each lawmaker at NUMBERSUSA or JUDICIAL WATCH and command them to enforce E-Verify permanently. Not Voluntary for every business, but a mandatory addition for each employer. Fulfill their obligation to build the fence according to Rep. Duncan Hunter R-CA. Keep training the regular police according to the Federal 287 G directive,. Not to Rescind the No Match letter or desist ICE raids or weaken any other enforcement law, such as the 1986 Immigration Control & Reform Act. NOW IT'S UP TO YOU? STARTLING WEBSITE! GOOGLE---IMMIGRATIONCOUNTERS.
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Hey Shakaama, Haven't seen you in Ventrilo server for a while, just wanna stop by and see how you're doing. Hope all goes well :-)
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