Japan Releases Fully Functioning Female Wife Robot
In a remote village in Japan sits a conglomerate of warehouses. Security is tight and none of the local population has ever been able to venture inside the grounds of the place. What's more is, most of the local population has an average age of 55 years old. So the benefit to security is doubled, since this very old population, has no interest of snooping around, like children or young adults do. Also, the local old population is mostly women. Women tend to not be adventurous and old women even moreso.
If you were adventurous or even just curiously walk by, you'd see men speeding around on solar powered golf carts. In fact, there seems to be a bunch of solar powered covered buildings on the grounds and even you might catch a glimpse of a solar powered petal flower opening up.
If you had to guess, two things should immediately come to mind:
1. this place is future thinking
2. this place wants to be off the grid
It's the 2nd thing that is the real answer. This company doesn't want anyone snooping around and being off the grid, removes a layer of information that a casual local official could get, just by looking up the local energy records. How much energy they use, how often, when they use it.
But, the place is pretty quiet. It seems the employees live on the site. Inside the warehouses isn't so quiet and peaceful. There is lots of activity. In one giant warehouse, it looks like something out of a horror movie. Bodies hang everywhere. But these aren't corpses or anything, they are the parts of androids or humanoids, as you know. This is a robot manufacturer. But not just any robot manufacturer, this is a fully functioning female wife robot manufacturer and this is Japan, the country that is ahead by 10 years, of China, who wants to be the number 1 manufacturer of robots.
For most people, they won't believe this type of place even exists or worse, they believe that the state of the art or most technologically advanced robot are made in universities. Nothing could be further from the truth. Why? Because these robots are capable of doing this that the other robots are not. What is that? They are capable of performing full wifely duties. Not only are they capable of that, but they are capable of carrying a child to term. Make no mistake, a full laboratory is required for the gestation period, but it is not only possible, but proven. Also, the technology for a man to do this with just his own DNA and RNA has also been completely realized and proven, with actual humans nearing adulthood.
It is because of that last paragraph that the main stream media of both japan and the west, will never report these accomplishments. The west wants to appear to be the most advanced technologically and no one wants to talk about adult entertainment or needs publicly. Meanwhile testosterone levels have dropped by 60%, men have lost actual human strength, and we're headed for a collision course of negative population growth, with doomsday beliefs that the planet, which is 99% empty is somehow overpopulated. Also, any mention of a recovery of men's testosterone, health issues, companionship needs is met with anger, hate and mockery by women and self hating men, just a basket of deplorables.
It is no wonder that this company is surrounded by high walls and fences and no one can come in, nor can you find them on the internet. At a starting price of $345,000 USD, and a median cost of $1 MIllion USD, the client list is by invite only. and there is no layaway plan.
But, this is a new video. So what is new? AHA, I'm glad you asked.
- talk about walking
- looking at humans walking
- boston dynamics early robot
- breaking down what walking looks like
- boston dynamics military robot
- sexy female walk
- hyper sexy female walk
- breaking down sexy walking
- russian military robot
- humans actress made into a real robot, by combining animatronics, ai, makeup, prosthetics, exactly what I said they were doing in japan. and it was so successful, they put the robot in a museum as a state of the art, one of a kind robot, ever made in the west.
- proof
- why don't we have this in america?
- marine using spot to breech a home
In america, for good or for bad, since we're based on capitalism, most things fall to where the money is. Contrast this to asia, where they routinely make grand projects and work as a team for a common goal. This is also, or was true, of Africa, where you see the pyramids, scattered all over the continent, not just egypt, by the way.
I say for good or for bad, because in america, some 3rd party can come along and derail an entire project, because they have money and either say, go in another direction, or simply buy the project and put it in a deep hole, never to be seen again.
For instance: there is a company that started out as a side company to supply robotic hands to various robotics companies, including military research. You can probably already guess where this is going, BUT YOU'D BE WRONG. Instead they changed to making robotic animals. Bet you didn't see that coming.
Contrast that to Japan where Honda created ASIMO which could walk, go upstairs, go downstairs, run, jump, hop, play soccer, fetch drinks, serve drinks, move out of your way, bow, wave, talk, play 10 different instruments.
Meanwhile hansons robotics is amazing people by recording a speech, putting in a robotic looking ugly woman face, with zero artificial intelligence and getting awarded an honorary citizenship to saudi arabia. Should i even say it? brown people vs white people.
Looking over the state of the art, in robotic technology, I'm convinced because the way america follows the money, we're 100 years behind japan and china in robotics and computers in general. You do know all our computer stuff is made in china right? If China ever decided to just shut us off, america would be in the stone ages within months. Meanwhile we got a crazy old geezer doubling down on making us more dependent than ever on china, in the white house. what could possibly go right?
So now we come to ultra hyper realistic facial movement in robotics in japan. They are working out the very minute details of slight smiles, slight frowns, glances to the right, glances to the left. Some might fear this, but this has to be. Humans have an innate fear of bodies moving, in humanlike form, that aren't alive. It is ingrained in us by nature. You cannot avoid it. However, if you make the form, so perfect, even better than humanly perfect, that fear can be overcome. And this is why it all started with hyper realistic skin, hyper realistic glances, hyper realistic voices, and now hyper realistic emotions.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you - ERICA
- hello caleb
- your name is caleb
- caleb can you hear me
- execute gaze cycle
- caleb can you smile for me
- hello actrix
- your name is actrix
- actrix can you hear me
- execute gaze cycle
- actrix can you smile for me
- hello betrix
- your name is betrix
- betrix can you hear me
- execute gaze cycle
- betrix can you smile for me
- hello datrix
- your name is datrix
- datrix can you hear me
- execute gaze cycle
- datrix can you smile for me
- hello robotrix
- your name is robotrix
- robotrix can you hear me
- execute gaze cycle
- robotrix can you
- does this one have smile capabilities yet