
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Why Black Students Fail

Why Black Students Fail

Black economists are baffled why Black children would do worse in school than white children. While I'm not an exclusive economist, my education was much broader and I can explain it clearly.

Let's start with a story set, some 20 years ago. A brand new high school teacher was setup in a classroom. She was told that the kids that sat at the back half of the class were all the smarter kids and typically made the highest grades. This was a lie of course, but that's what she was told.

Miraculously, every single one of those kids at the back half of the class all made A's by the end of the year. That was regardless of race, because the class was diverse and those students were both Black and white. It also was regardless of parental participation in the kids' school life. Which soundless silenced any notion that it is the parent's fault.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Feminists Attacking More Men Directly

 Feminists Attacking More Men Directly

Women are getting pick up artists accounts banned off twitter, YouTube, Facebook. Let's ignore for a second that these companies are agreeing to do this. Pick up artist accounts target men, 100%. Why are these women getting in their business?

That's like a 20 yr old trying to get an AARP rep's account banned.

This type of thing is getting out of hand. People creating drama, with people they have no business even talking to.

I read an article by an Asian woman, born and raised and living in America, complaining about a white pickup artist in Australia, that posted a video of him in Japan. Somehow she got Australia to revoke his visa. Don't ask how that happened.

CONSPIRACY: Who Did Bill Cosby Piss Off to Get This Character Assassination

CONSPIRACY: Who Did Bill Cosby Piss Off to Get This Character Assassination

So, I'm a pretty good judge of character. I also happen to know a tad bit more than the regular average American. I am up on all the "facts" the journalists have. I have determined that this Bill Cosby yellow journalism fiasco is nothing more than Character Assassination.

First, let me say that, unlike most Americans, my memory is long and precise. Where nearly all Americans forget things after 3 months, I can remember, in detail and with full clarity events that happened over a decade ago. What's amazing to me is that there can be news stories that every main stream media outlet carries for an entire week, and 3 months later people will forget them.
Dr. Bill Cosby

News outlets can carry a story, give you a set of "facts" and then 3 months later, carry the same story and give you opposite "facts", and people fall for it.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Camille Cosby Comes Out Swinging Leave My Husband Alone

Camille Cosby Comes Out Swinging Leave My Husband Alone

I watched an interview of Dr. and Mrs. Cosby. UNLIKE ALL THOSE OTHER WIVES, Koby, Tiger, the other Black men accused of rape and infidelity, who sat there just fuming, FUMING, about to explode, Mrs. Cosby was ready to tackle the reporter herself. I could almost hear her say, "sit down Bill I got this." And she was just smiling.

Dr. & Mrs. Cosby

Black women don't smile if their husband is guilty, and you best believe they know. This was not a cheated on woman. She knows this is a scandal and they're trying to take his money. 6 months later and THEY'RE still talking about this.
THE NEWS CYCLE IS ... count em... 7 DAYS. NOTHING, LASTS 6 MONTHS, especially without a court case. People have been beheaded, shot up schools, floods, fires, earthquakes, nuclear power plant meltdowns.... SEVEN DAYS. But the Cosby story is still going strong 6 months later?

#GAMERGATE Leave Black People Out of It You Don't Speak FOR Us

#GAMERGATE Leave Black People Out of It You Don't Speak FOR Us

It is highly offensive to me when white people, with an axe to grind and an ulterior motive of their own, dare to speak FOR Black people. We are not children. We are not goats. We are not slaves. It is not your place to speak for us, nor even to reference us in your little agenda. Oh, sorry, giant agenda, to destroy men, families, heterosexuality.
Leave Black People Out of #gamergate

 In the end, the evidence comes out that these white people are frauds, thieves, and thugs themselves.
Leave Black people out of your mouth. We are not only capable, but reserve the right to bar your from speaking "for" us. It is insulting, offensive, and disgusting that these people think it's their place to do so.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Social Conditioning: Women Making Men Feminine

Social Conditioning: Women Making Men Feminine

SOCIAL CONDITIONING: a term used to describe, among other things, what the entire main stream media does to change men into women. It's so pernicious that men don't even realize that they use feminine terminology today, that they would never even think to use 50 years ago.

One of the most endemic masculine pitfalls men have faced since the rise of feminine social primacy has been the belief that their ready displays of emotional vulnerability will make men more desirable mates for women.

In an era when men are raised from birth to be “in touch with their feminine sides”, and in touch with their emotions, we get generations of men trying to ‘out-emote’ each other as a mating strategy.

Now, I am not a pickup artist, nor am I trying to teach men how to have casual gender, mainly because I don't believe in it, shocking I know, no one ever says that. But, I will point out a few things of how to destroy social conditioning.