Saturday, September 17, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Shocking Evidence Obama is Not American
Shocking Evidence Obama is Not American
What would happen if we found out that Obama is not only not a US born citizen, but is being considered to be the leader of an entirely different country due to his real nationality? Imagine the embarrassment that it would cause the US government, the democrat political party and Americans in general. Well that is exactly what is about to happen in a few short years. As soon as he steps down from the US presidency, he is to be crowned in another country.
Geoffrey Robinson, Pompous Windbag, explain why The Wons weren't invited to the royal wedding:
'It is an open secret at the Commonwealth Secretariat that they do not want Charles III to be the next head of the Commonwealth when the Queen retires -- they are looking for someone more inspiring. Mandela, once the favourite candidate, is now too old. But there is an even better candidate whose name is being mentioned as an alternative to Charles in due course, namely ex-President Obama, with his Kenyan ancestry (as some believe, Kenyan birth). There are rumours that the palace's refusal to invite him to the wedding was neither oversight nor overslight but a fear that Barack and Michelle would appear to the "black Commonwealth" as superior to Charles and Camilla as future leaders of the Commonwealth.'
The Queen
For you Americans reading this, the royal house of England and the British Commonwealth will Crown Obama as head of the Commonwealth. Most Americans do not think the Queen of England has any authority. But, she wields probably the most power on the planet and controls the destinies of many countries. We, in America are made to believe that feudalism is dead and gone, but the truth is that it is just modernized. Our beloved Obama, was handcrafted and hand picked to not only lead the US and deliver the country into the right hands, ripe for picking, but since he is the subject of the British crown, by birth, he will be selected to head the Commonwealth.
(Honolulu) A privacy law that shields birth certificates has prompted Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie to abandon efforts to dispel claims that President Barack Obama was born outside Hawaii, his office says.
Prince Charles III
State Attorney General David Louie told the governor that privacy laws bar him from disclosing an individual’s birth documentation without the person’s consent, Abercrombie spokeswoman Donalyn Dela Cruz said Friday.
“There is nothing more that Gov. Abercrombie can do within the law to produce a document,” said Dela Cruz. “Unfortunately, there are conspirators who will continue to question the citizenship of our president.”
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Was Osama Bin Ladin Killed on May 1, 2011?
Was Osama Bin Ladin Killed on May 1, 2011?
Have you never questioned several overlooked facts about the death of Osama bin Ladin?
1. Osama bin Laden, on the CIA website top 100 wanted persons, is not listed in connection with the world trade center bombing and has his denial of doing so on record, i.e. they believe he had nothing to do with it.
![]() |
Completely Fake Osama Death Picture |
3. 7 of the hijackers allegedly in the world trade center bombings are ALIVE, 2 of which are suing the US government for defamation of character
4. Al Quaeda was formed by the CIA in afghanistan during the 90's when they were fighting the Russians and the actual word means, THE LIST, i.e. of guys in the group
5. Osama bin Laden was asked to join the CIA in afghanistan AFTER the Al Quaeda group was formed, to serve as their inspirational speaker and help with financing, since he was so filthy rich
6. the Bin Laden family is a staunch friend of the US government
7. the Royal Family was HERE during 9/11 INCLUDING BIN LADEN
8. Bin Laden was here during and days after 9/11 for treatment for his kidneys
9. Pakistan's First woman Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto, was assassinated 4 years ago 2007, when she revealed in a world wide interview that Osama died in 2001
"Many believed that Benazir damaged the justification for the continued US presence in Afghanistan by saying to Sir David Frost on Al-Jazeera that Osama Bin Laden was dead, killed by Omar Saeed Sheikh, the former or current MI6 agent,"
10. On 2 November 2007, Bhutto participated in an interview with David Frost on Al Jazeera, stating Osama Bin Laden had been murdered by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, who is one of the men convicted of kidnapping and killing U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl. Frost never asked a follow up question regarding the claim that Bin Laden was dead. Her interview could later be viewed on BBC's website, although it was initially distorted by the BBC as her claim about Bin Laden's death was taken out. But, once people discovered this and started posting evidence on YouTube, the BBC replaced its version with the version that was originally aired on Al Jazeera.
Completely Faked War Room Pic |
12. even if Osama wasn't killed by an MI6 agent, his kidney disease would have killed him within months following his 9/11 visit to a US hospital, especially since he was in fact, living in a cave, a fact that is documented by his very unhappy wife, who thought marrying a prince would mean endless shopping.
Any one of these facts clearly decimates any credibility the US government has for continuing these wars, the facts surrounding 9/11 and the reasons for our staying in these countries. Also, if Benazir Bhutto can be believed, Osama was dead before even going to Afghanistan. Even if you do not believe her, his kidney disease killed him before we went to war in Afghanistan. That means not only were we lied to about Afghanistan, we were triply lied to about why we went to Iraq.
Let's return to point #7. Do you really think the Bin Laden royal family would tolerate the US government calling one of their sons all sorts of names and still remain close allies, if he were not already dead? The US government is so deep in bed with this corruption it is cannot even be fathomed.
But people have really short memories. Osama was ALREADY REPORTED DEAD IN 2001.
CIA Faked Countless Osama Videos After His Death |
- Radio chatter from Bin Laden stopped
- Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, claimed that Bin Laden was dead and had been buried in the mountains
- Fox News report that Bin Laden died of a lung complication along with Pakistan
- The Bush administration claimed that a video released was probably hiding the fact he was dead
- The Afgan President claimed that Bin Laden was probably dead long ago
FOX News Report: Bin Laden Already Dead
Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.
[Fox News. December 26, 2001]
Bin Laden has often been reported to be in poor health. Some accounts claim that he is suffering from Hepatitis C, and can expect to live for only two more years. According to Le Figaro, last year [2000] he ordered a mobile dialysis machine to be delivered to his base at Kandahar in Afghanistan.
But by December, of course, that tape that was aired then, he's barely moving the left side of his body. So he's clearly got diabetes. He has low blood pressure. He's got a wound in his foot. He's apparently got dialysis ... for kidney problems.
9/11 Families Want Pictures to Prove Osama Death |
Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader. "The Coalition troops are engaged in a mad search operation but they would never be able to fulfill their cherished goal of getting Usama alive or dead," the source said.
[FOX News]
al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633
News of Bin Laden's Death and Funeral 10 days ago
A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that binLaden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death.
[Welfare State]
Israeli intelligence: Bin Laden is dead, heir has been chosen
Israeli sources said Israel and the United States assess that Bin Laden probably died in the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan in December. They said the emergence of new messages by Bin Laden are probably fabrications, Middle East Newsline reported.
[World Tribune]
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Thursday, September 8, 2011
Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve Bank
Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve Bank
Most of the awakened beings that are paying attention to the GOP campaign have realized that a new Black candidate is getting a lot of attention: Herman Cain. He is 3rd in the national polls for the Republican Party. He is steadily gaining ground from debate to debate. The thing is, he is not a politician and has never held an elected political position, until you realize he served as Director for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. The awakened beings stop short when they hear / read that, because for all intents and purposes the Federal Reserve Bank is the enemy. But, Thomas Hoenig clears everything up in a statement he has made.
Presidential Candidate Herman Cain |
“From 1992 to 1996, Herman served as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in the capacities of deputy chairman and then chairman of the Board. Fed directors are dedicated representatives of Main Street business, community development, organized labor and financial services sectors who agree to give their time to help the Federal Reserve understand the economy and to oversee our operations. It was my privilege to work with Herman very closely during his five years on the Kansas City board.
I appreciate the opportunity to provide greater understanding of the role of Federal Reserve Bank directors because they provide a tremendous service to our country.” ~ Thomas Hoenig, the president of the Kansas City Fed.
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Monday, September 5, 2011
Ann Coulter Speaks Out Against Libertarians and Ron Paul
Ann Coulter Speaks Out Against Libertarians and Ron Paul
Political pundit and conservative author, Ann Coulter spoke out against Ron Paul and continued to rant and rave against Libertarians. He was very taken aback about the entire issue of marriage. Not that the Libertarian view of lessez faire was good enough, but that it was "cowardly" in her opinion. He said she wants to punch Libertarians. He says Libertarians "dodge the tough questions".
Political Pundit Ann Coulter |
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Palin Says She's not Going to Take it Anymore
Palin Says She's not Going to Take it Anymore
In a rare instance of speaking in coherent sentence, Ex-Governor Sarah Palin speaks out against the slander heaped upon national tea party members. I thought for sure Twisted Sister was about to come on the set, singing their song, "We're not going to take it", but I was disappointed.
Lead Singer of Twisted Sister Dee Snider |
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dee snider,
fox news,
sarah palin,
tea party,
twisted sister
Mitt Romney on The Corporate People
Mitt Romney on The Corporate People
In an unscripted move that resembles that of Ronald Reagan's dramatic "I paid for this microphone" moment in a 1980 New Hampshire debate, Romney declared he would refuse to raise taxes. This led to the following quick exchange:
Liberal Protestor: "Tax corporations!"
Romney: "Corporations are people, my friend."
The governor then turned to the audience and asked if they wanted taxes raised, which was greeted with a loud chorus of boos.
Mitt Romney |
Romney's 'Corporations Are People' A Gift To Political Foes
The story said that Romney, whom all the world knows made his success in the business world:
gave his Democratic opponents an early Christmas gift by uttering those words. He just made their goal of pushing the narrative that he is a tool of corporate America much easier by providing them with that handy piece of video…. Liz Halloran of NPR was in the crowd at the state fair for Romney's "corporations are people" line. "Not his best moment," she tells us.
The story also said:
These words could haunt him all the way to Election Day if he becomes the nominee. They could follow him the way President Obama's line about rural folks clinging to their guns and religion tagged along behind the Democrat.
NPR's Corporate Funding
On November 6, 2003, NPR accepted a grant of over $225 million from the estate of the late Joan Kroc. Kroc, of course, was famous as the wife of Ray Kroc -- the founder of McDonald's. Joan Kroc had no independent wealth of her own. History records that she met her future (and already married) husband when he walked into a bar where she was the piano player. They hit it off and the rest, as they might say, was history.The point, of course, is that Joan Kroc's ability to leave behind over $235 million for NPR is precisely because of the corporation formally known as McDonald's Corporation. And sure enough, just as Mitt Romney said, McDonald's turns out to be filled with people. Specifically:
- McDonald's employs 1.7 million people with private sector jobs
- McDonald's has 33,000 outlets in 118 countries where those 1.7 million people have those jobs
- McDonald's, as described here by the company, provides health care for its employees.
NPR Funding |
NPR's revenue comes primarily from fees paid by
- our member stations,
- contributions from corporate sponsors,
- institutional foundation grants,
- gifts from major donors,
- and fees paid by users of The Public Radio Satellite System.
And sources like foundations -- the Ford Foundation, for example -- got their money from the success of corporations. Not Ford Motor Company -- no money for Edsel Ford to set up the Ford Foundation.
With 25 million now unemployed precisely as Romney said, NPR, literally on the air by its own admission because it takes corporate money, is now insisting corporations and the jobs they create will be an issue in this campaign. Giving Romney and any other conservative out there a priceless opportunity to make Obamanomics the central issue of 2012.
If NPR has such a dim view of corporations, will they stop taking corporate money?
Libertarian Response
As an outsider looking in, on the duopoly that is the democrat / republican trick, I have clarity that most do not have, i.e. the ability to see the plans within plans and the motives of the lesser men that make them. Not to call the author out or anything, but apparently he is trying to bring Mitt Romney back into the spotlight, given Gov. Perry's usurping of the supposed republican lead, contrary to what the Ron Paul campaign would suggest.I think everyone is in agreement that a Ron Paul administration would be a bad thing, FOR BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS. And, it would definitely spell the end of federal funding of NPR to begin with.
However, given that the media and the duopoly butter each others' bread, it is no wonder they ignore the people, i.e. tea party, Ron Paul supporters, libertarian supporters. This "minority" is now a majority of the actual voters.
Mitt Romney of course would be a 3rd generation GW Bush administration, right behind GW and Obama himself. I know the duopoly tries to make GW and Obama look like different people, what with him being half black and all, but all 3 are corporatist and not card carrying members of neither the democrat nor republican party.
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House Cuts NPR Funding
House Cuts NPR Funding
In 2008 NPR programming was heard by 10% of adults on a weekly basis and showed a 10-year growth rate in audience share of 45%.
The House voted to strip National Public Radio's federal funding, a move that followed the release of a "sting" video showing an NPR executive criticizing the Republican Party and saying the station didn't need millions of dollars in federal money.
Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) |
"The object of this bill is to get NPR out of the taxpayer's pocket," said Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn. "It is time for us to be good stewards and save the money of the American taxpayer."
NPR receives about $90 million in federal funding annually, but the Congressional Budget Office calculated that the net savings from defunding the network would be zero. Democrats seized on the CBO analysis and ridiculed the GOP for trying to silence popular public radio programs like "Prairie Home Companion" and "Car Talk" for their own political reasons.
"This legislation is no more than an ideological attack on public radio masquerading as a fiscal issue," said Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I.
Democrats said the bill would hurt local public radio stations by preventing them from using federal funding to purchase NPR programing or pay their dues to NPR.
Republicans have long been critical of public broadcasting and accuse it of having a liberal slant. Many felt their suspicions were confirmed when an undercover video produced by conservative activist James O'Keefe showed NPR executive Ron Schiller calling the Tea Party movement "scary" and "racist" at a meeting with a potential donor who claimed to be from a Muslim organization that supports Sharia law. Both the donor and organization were fake, part of a sting operation set up by O'Keefe. Critics claim O'Keefe edited the video in a way that misrepresented what Schiller was saying.
Both Schiller and NPR CEO Vivian Schiller (no relation) were forced out following the video's release.
"I think the image that we have seen on the videos tells us something about the internal culture of NPR," said Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.
Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.)
Earlier this year, Republicans were angered by NPR's firing of commentator Juan Williams after he said he feared boarding an airplane with someone dressed in Muslim garb.
Republicans are also highly critical of the salaries of public broadcasting executives and used that to bolster their argument that taxpayer funds for their operations should be cut.
Protestors Say to End NPR Federal Funding |
On Tuesday, the House voted to cut $50 million from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, from which NPR draws some funding.
Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin, D-Ill., told The Washington Examiner on Thursday that Democrats who control the Senate would block House attempts to cut NPR and PBS funding. President Obama said Thursday he opposes the funding cut.
Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., said voters could have the final say if defunding becomes law.
Republicans, he said, "are going to run into a razor blade-sharp reaction from the American public as they find that in place of 'Car Talk' and 'All Things Considered,' there is radio silence."Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
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eric cantor,
majority leader,
national public radio,
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Programmer Under Oath Admits Company Made Vote Rigging Software (video)
Programmer Under Oath Admits Computers Rig Elections
A programmer, Clint Eugene Curtis, under oath, is questioned and cross examined, at the U.S. Congressional Judiciary Committee Hearing, about computer software that would falsify and hide voting counts in elections. The software would be hidden in the source code and unavailable to anyone who does not have the source code. This would make the evidence of election fraud virtually undetectable.Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
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2008 New Hampshire Primary Ballot Fraud Evidence (Video)
2008 New Hampshire Primary Ballot Fraud Evidence
The 2008 New Hampshire Primary was completely fraudulent. In this secret video, the documenter shows proof that not only are the ballots not secured, nor counted, but that the box itself is not secure. Of course the question is, who is behind the very lax procedures in New Hampshire. And, if happens in New Hampshire, of course it happens in every state. With that said, if it happens in a primary, of course it happens in a presidential election.Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
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