
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

There are More White People on Welfare Than The Total Black Population

The Truth about Welfare

Watch any talk show, conservative news show or read a liberal newspaper, and they all give the same message, "Black people are on welfare and have been for generations." In fact one presidential campaign made it their double-talk slogan, "no more generations of welfare recipients", "stop people living off the public dole." Republicans and Democrats alike all jumped on the bandwagon. News casters picked up on the slogan and asked the question, "who are we talking about?" They received no direct answer but were given the old, nod and wink "you know who we're talking about."

This lie that Blacks live off of welfare has been spread so far and wide and repeated over and over and over so much that common ignorant people have come to accept it as fact. In fact, even Black people themselves have accepted as fact. You have Black comedians accepting it as fact and then assuming it to be fact, make up jokes with that as the basis of their punchline.

The fact is, white people are a majority of the welfare recipients. In fact, white people make up more than Blacks and Latinos put together on welfare. In fact, there are more white people on welfare than there exist Black people in America. Let me repeat, there are more white people on welfare than there are Black folks.

Of all the welfare recipients, only 22% of them are Black. Yes, that's 1/5th of the welfare recipients are Black. That, my friend, is a small number. White people make up nearly 50% of all welfare recipients.

So how did this racist stereotype come about that Blacks are on welfare? Or, I should ask, how did people agree with it when there is such a huge white population on welfare?

One word: Ignorance.

If you are ignorant of the facts, people can tell you anything and get away with it. If you are ignorant of the facts, people can take your money and you not even know it is being taken. If you are ignorant of the rules, people can throw you in jail and you agree to it.

Oh those are some outrageous statements aren't they? Guess what? People have been doing that in this country for over 2 centuries. It has gone full speed in the past 40 years. Now the media is in on the game, so all bets are off. If people have an agenda to push, it goes all out like gangbusters because the media can loop the message day and night, every hour, on the hour. You cannot compete with the truth, when the media tells you a lie. If the media wanted to reverse the color of grass and the sky, don't you know people would go along with it? If the media looped, "new grass color discovered, blue not green; new sky color discovered, green not blue." The media has done it in the past.

For instance, marijuana is a plant. It has thousands of uses, such as: making paper; making clothes; making rope; making polymers. In fact, the plant is so great that every material it makes is better than any other material on the planet currently. Hemp is the name of the plant. Hemp ropes are far stronger than silk ropes. Hemp paper is 3 times better than wood paper; lasts longer without fading; and doesn't take toxic chemicals to make it into paper. Hemp clothing doesn't destroy the earth to create; they are far easier to wash; don't get dirty as easily; they repel stains. In fact hemp makes hundreds of medical remedies that pharmaceutical companies cannot duplicate. A man wanted to push forward his investment in wood paper. He made the hemp plant seem diabolical, so he enlisted the media. Within a year, hemp was made illegal and people were afraid to go near it and thought it was satanic.

Do you see the power of the media? If they can change people's opinion about a plant, of course they can change and manipulate social perceptions about facts that aren't real. Who cares if someone is racist? The problem is the media going along with the agenda and pushing it forward. And, it's not just one source of media. They all do the same thing.

Think back for one second. The latest news story was plastered on every channel, local and national centers. And, they always have the same facts. No matter how independent your local station claims to be, they jump on the same bandwagon everyone else does.

Let's look for a second at a huge national story: the Laci Peterson case. Here's a case where a Latina went missing, was 7 months pregnant and who's body was found decapitated and various parts of her arms and legs were missing;and her body washed ashore nearly a year later. In the media, they pointed to Scott Peterson. They found out he had extramarital affairs. Surely if he was cheating on his wife he must have murdered her. But wait! I turn your attention to another national story: the Evelyn Hernandez case. Here's a case where a Latina went missing, was 7 months pregnant and who's body was found decapitated and various parts of her arms and legs were missing;and her body washed ashore 3 months later. Woah!

Did you just have deja vu? Everyone knows Scott Peterson murdered his wife right? Uh, did he also murder Evelyn Hernandez? What's strange is, we actually know where Scott Peterson was the whole time. And yet, they still convicted him. In fact, they just assumed he did it.

The reality of the two cases were so out of this world, that no one wanted to actually speak it allowed. So, the media just convicted poor "horny devil" Scott Peterson, and we all just nodded and looked the other way. What's the reality you ask? Well since you asked. In the south west there are known and documented cases of witchcraft and occult secret societies. These cults perform heinous sacrifices. The police have documented cases of it. But, you don't hear it in the news for some reason. The media keeps it hush hush. So the cults are the truth, but a regular man is on death row. While he did cheat on his wife, it doesn't mean he killed her, nor does it justify him being put to death. Regardless of the feminist organizations that wish it so, it is not right.

This is a case of the media gone wild. And, we sit back and take it. I could pin point case after case, news story after news story that are false, bigoted, and passing on misinformation. Misinformation is the biggest and largest crime that is going on.

If you've been reading my blog, I've already pointed out that:

  • Black unwed fathers spend more time and money with their children than any other unwed fathers.
  • Blacks pay their debts on time and more often than other races.
  • Blacks have a much lower divorce rate than other races.
  • Blacks have less out of wedlock children than other races.
  • And now, Blacks are the least people to be on welfare than other races.

All of these stereotypes the news and shows put forth, media. But, we all accept it as fact. We think because we saw it on T.V. it must be true. When in fact, the opposite is true. Could it be that people are basing life decisions off of lies? Could it be politicians are making laws based on lies? Could it be the Federal Government is making policies based on lies?

You're right they are.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jeremiah Wright: We Killed Innocent People in Iraq

Iraq Veterans Against the War

It has really come full circle. The chickens have come home to roost. I'm not talking about the CIA term "blowback", where actions our secret service does to other countries comes back to haunt us. I am talking about our very open and direct actions which are crimes against humanity. Have you noticed that since 9/11 that there aren't so many reports about the "war" in Iraq? Why? Because, the latest news is rather ugly. The reports of what really is going on in Iraq have come home and they aren't pretty. Take for instance the reports about Fallujah. It was in Fallujah that the U.S. armed forced committed a massacre of over a million civilians. One my protest that the armed forces had no idea they were innocent civilians, but it was shown they did know. In fact it was shown that during the massacre it became customary to trick civilians to come out of their homes and then slaughter them in the street. It became customary to storm a house, drag the citizens out, and humiliate the father in front of the family. A practice known to scar the entire family for life, since they treat each other with the highest respect over there.

Blowback is the espionage term for the violent, unintended consequences of a covert operation that are suffered by the civil population of the aggressor government. To the civilians suffering it, the blowback typically manifests itself as “random” acts of political violence without a discernible, direct cause; because the public—in whose name the intelligence agency acted—are ignorant of the effected secret attacks that provoked revenge (counter-attack) against them.

Not only did reports come in, but documentaries of the wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians have been made. Some are quite popular as well, selling millions of copies. These documentaries showed armed forces using incendiary bombs on civilians homes; beating, maiming and slaughtering children; raping female children; and burning and collapsing huge apartment buildings known to have thousands of people inside. These documentaries show armed forces using new Napalm, which burns the flesh off of live people. They show chemical warfare use. And, it all comes back to "against innocent civilians."

I heard some incredible number, in the millions, being quoted about the number of Iraqis who have died at the hands of the U.S. in this "war." Notice I keep saying "war." But, the fact is, Iraq has not been "declared" to be a war by Congress, as prescribed in our Constitution.

In the United States, Congress which makes the rules for the military has the power under the Constitution to "declare War," however there is no prescribed legal format for what a War declaration will look like in the US Constitution or by law. Declarations have the force of law and are intended to be executed by a Commander in Chief when called into actual service. The last time United States passed a bill with the title "Declaration of War" was in 1942, against Romania. Since then, the United States has used the term "Authorization to use Military Force" as in the case against Iraq in 2003. Many times, such as the US Invasion of Haiti in 1993, decisions for military engagements were made by US presidents, without formal approval by Congress, based on UN Security Council resolutions that did not declare UN or its members at war. This has been seen also as a subterfuge to allow the United States to dispense with the international laws of war, for example by declaring hostages as criminals rather than as prisoners of war.
So we see that Iraq is not a war at all. So what really is going on in Iraq? Well, it seems to be a lot of unnecessary slaughter going on over there. Unnecessary, for one simple fact: Iraq has never posed a threat to the U.S.. Iraq was, in fact, our ally all the way up to the day we invaded. Even after the Kuwait ordeal we were still on friendly terms with Iraq. In fact, we put Saddam Hussein in power. We did that.

It is My Duty to Speak Out

You may try and construct a chain of command and make an organization where one does not and cannot think for one's self. However, as humans, invariably there will be a few humans who will be slightly less a moron than the other people you have recruited and figure out that what they are being told to do is: against their own beliefs; against God; against humanity.

It is one thing to be ordered to go shoot at people that are shooting at you. It is another thing to be ordered to shoot soccer moms; drop huge, gargantuan bombs on city centers filled with milkmen, candlestick makers, maids, candy salesmen, shoe repairmen. It is one thing to give the order and then to have the wife of the candlestick maker crying inconsolably over her husband asking why this is happening. It is one thing to give the order and then see children crawling on the ground with a leg and arm blown off screaming for their mother. It is one thing to give the order and then hear a baby crying only to be silenced by a gunshot to the head followed by a sick wet sound of its blood running down the crib.

This is not what America wants. This is not what the world wants. If George Bush were to do this to us inside the United States, U.N. forces would have arrested him and congress and the top military brass and tried them for war crimes and genocide. Right now though the U.N. is mired in red tape over this "war" that isn't a "war".

Jeremiah Wright Thrown Under the Bus

It was a fact that Jeremiah Wright, minister of President Obama's former church was thrown under the bus for political expediency. All the stations looped Reverend Wright saying something ghastly over and over and over.

Fox News and others kept showing a sound bite of Jeremiah Wright saying "America's Chickens are Coming Home to Roost". That is the only sound bite they showed of the sermon. But in actuality Reverend Wright was quoting U.S. Ambassador Edward Peck, a retired, "white", career U.S. diplomat who served 32-years in the U.S. Foreign Service and was chief of the U.S. mission to Iraq under Jimmy Carter -- hardly the black-rage image with which Wright has been stigmatized.

Obama instead of explaining that Jeremiah Wright was quoting a U.S. ambassador and that what both learned men were saying was correct, instead took the low road to save his political campaign. Reverend Wright was then left with the reputation of being some Black objectionary, militant, racist, when in fact he was and is the opposite.

Now we come to the real story. We come to the story that cannot be denied any longer. We cannot deny it, because the story is now coming from our very troops. The U.S. is slaughtering people in Iraq for no good reason. More and more veterans of the war are speaking out and sounding the same bell that the learned Reverend Jeremiah Wright [also a former Marine] sounded in his now infamous sermon.

Iraq Veterans Against the War is a group of veterans who have organized to speak out against this horrible war. They have organized together so that no one could quiet them individually and so that Americans can really know what our military ambassadors are doing in our good name. It is a shame they had to organize in such a way, but this is the reality of the situation. If they speak out individually, they won't be heard; they get life threats; they get black balled out of various things; they get denied things owed to them.

No longer can we just sit at the dinner table and laugh at Reverend Jeremiah Wright, AND by proxy Ambassador Edward Peck, but now we have to pay attention because our sons and daughters are coming home saying how much truth both men were telling.

The obvious question is: Does Obama know? Actually most of these atrocities did not happen on his watch. However, they are still going on, so yes he must know. He needs to bring the troops home immediately.

I know why they are over there. While, politically it's quite a grey area, the execution of it, has and is horrible. I say grey area, because had I been in Bush's shoes I may have wanted to remove Sadam myself. But, that's the bully way of doing things, isn't it? I have a brain and would have found some other way to get Saddam to agree with me. So the entire war was and is unnecessary.

You might ask what is it I know about the war? It is quite simple once you hear it.

My dates might be off by some months, but the facts are very similar. The current world currency is the U.S. dollar (USD), right? Everyone knows that. One of the chief and most important things that is traded in the USD is oil. Well in mid 2,000 Saddam Hussein, bless his heart, declared that Iraq would now move his oil exports to the Euro. He completely removed the USD from his countries oil exports entirely. It was a brilliant move and would shore up Iraqs wealth immensely since the dollar was and is a completely fiat currency that is nearly worthless. Bush and friends were sitting on their thumbs wondering what to do to get Saddam back into trading oil with dollars. If they didn't do something soon, the entire middle east would follow the lead of Saddam.

This is what is known as "Petrodollar Warfare."

Well what does that mean? It means we would have to pay the real price of oil finally. And more than likely either our economy would collapse over night or we would go back to producing stuff that the entire world wants to buy. Instead of going that route, Bush declared Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which Hanz Blick squarely said he didn't, MONTHS before, even wrote a book about it, and invaded Iraq. Within days of the invasion, they removed the government of Iraq, set another one in its place, and repealed the declaration to trade oil in Euros instead of dollars.

That's what this war is about. Not oil, not greed, not any other weird or sinister thing. The rest of the middle east is kind of on the fence about this whole Iraq thing. On the one hand they realy did not like Saddam, remember we put him in power. On the other hand, what he was doing was interesting by leaving the dollar trade in oil.

So Why are We Still in Iraq?

That my frend is the billion dollar question. And, I'm going to give you the answer, and it is not going to make any damn sense to you.

The reason we are still in Iraq is because American companies are making too much damn money to leave.
That's right. This is now, not about security, nor terrorism, nor pride, nor democracy. This is about huge, super huge companies, that are in control of the government that is bleeding us and Iraq dry. They have got their teeth firmly latched onto our necks and are not going to let go. They literally make a million dollars each month washing the clothes of the military over there. In fact, they made it a punishable rule that servicemen cannot wash their own clothes. They are drinking every last drop of blood we have and our politicians are letting them.


I wonder when they were briefing Obama, after he won, about these companies and the war, what his reaction was. I wonder if the was shocked, amazed or disgusted. Can you imagine win the seat to the most powerful position in the world and then being told that basically you have no power and that those days of the president issuing decrees and fighting congress are long gone. But, the show lingers on.

Let me leave you with this quote:

"the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government," and that "America was founded on genocide, and a nation that is founded on genocide is destructive." - Dr. Martin Luther King

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Anime Rant: Why I Hate the Writers of Naruto Punking Orochimaru

Creating the Fall Guy

In America, because Americans are all children and have the brains of infants, Hollywood tests and tests and tests and come up with the same result, "the bad guy can never win." Regardless that congress rapes us daily. Regardless that Wall Street pillages the land of tax payer dollars and we take it, day in and day out, we can never be presented with even the hint of reality in a movie. Test groups can't even tolerate the bad guy even getting the upper hand during the movie. They are so childlike that it is enough that you say "this is the bad guy" and then proceed with the movie.

In Asia it is no problem to present a movie where the bad guy walks away scott free. However their reality is quite different. Over there bad guys don't get away with it. So to see a bad guy win, IS the fantasy. Over here, we are surrounded by incompetent police incompetent leaders, incompetent military. They lock up regular citizens and give the excuse that they broke the law. The actuality is that 75% of the time the law was an infraction that is so inconsequential that locking a citizen up for it, IS the crime. But, they do that to hide their own incompetence, their own inability to stop real crime.

For 50 years they have claimed they needed to lock up 20 times the Americans they used to lock up, all in the name of our safety. When in fact 90% of those they locked up were no evil to begin with and the real criminals are free to do whatever they please. The police know they can't get to them. The criminals know the police are incompetent, and no one can change that.

Knowing this then, why can't Americans tolerate seeing a bad guy win? Because they are children and can't handle the truth. The people they pay to keep them safe have failed and they do not want to be reminded of it. And, the powers that be will not show it to them and avoid it, al all costs.

So what's my anime rant about? In Naruto they presented the ultimate bad guy as Orochimaruo. Orochimaru was the most powerful ninja. He knew every jutsu there ever was. He even invented his own. He even knew the forbidden jutsu. He used to belong to the all powerful band of outlaw nijas known as the Akatsuki. In fact he was so beyond them that he left them and truely went on his own. He was so powerful that he attacked a country, with his army, all by himself, something normally a whole country would have to do, to even be assured of success. He also was and is one of the 3 legendary ninja in all of the world of Naruto.

With all of that said why oh why would they all of a sudden make him look like a chump? I mean, the guy can bring people back to life. The guy discovered the immortality jutsu. His own retainer even said he could literally take over the entire Naruto world.

Now my problem isn't that the author wants to all of a sudden go with a different bad guy. My problem is, don't build up Orochimaru to not just be a powerful bad guy, but build him up to be a god and then make the new bad guy just have an illusion power.

The problem is they already explained in the series that one illusion user cannot ensnare another illusion user. One would have to be superiorly more powerful to best another illusion user. Now, under normal circumstances that wouldn't be impossible, but we're talking about Orochimaru vs and Uchiha.

Yes, it's great that the Uchiha have an illusion power, but Orochimaru is now on his 3rd body. The other 2 legendary ninja are also facing the ravages of time. The female legendary ninja, now the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village, has been shown to use potions to keep herself looking young well beyond her years. So all 3 of them have lived probably 2 generations of a normal human, if not 3. Also, Orochimaru put an entire country under his illusions. He defeated ninja leaders of multiple countries, all at the same time, single handedly. So excuse me if I think it's ridiculous that some 20 year old and his younger brother, 14 years old, put the legendary ninja Orochimaru under an illusion. It's like Hitler or George W Bush fighting Jesus. I mean, they're both bad guys and super powerful, but ... come on, it's Jesus we're talking about.

I thought the Japanese wouldn't fall for the "the bad guy loses" shtick. First of all we're talking a world filled with nothing but ninjas. None of them are "good guys" in any objective sense. There are countless ways to write out and all powerful character anyway. They could simply say he got bored of the world and went somewhere else. Isn't that what gurus do anyway?

Just stop it with the "Bram Stoker's all powerful Dracula is killed by a toothpick from some 3rd rate cop that can barely read". The world doesn't work like that and don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Woman Body Checks the Pope and his Cardinal

The "Unbalanced Woman in Red"

Today Christmas Eve as the pope, Benedict XVI, proceeded up the isle to deliver his Christmas Mass, an "unbalanced woman" jumped the guard rail and lunged at the pope. She knocked him down as well as Cardinal Roger Etchegaray. Pope Benedict, 82 got back to his feet immediately doing a ninja flip. However, poor Cardinal Etchegaray was rushed to the emergency room. They immediately took the lady into custody. They found no evil intent.

Pope Benendict went on to deliver mass as usual. Oh, scratch that. Mass was delivered 2 hours earlier than usual, i.e. 12a.m., at 10 p.m.. This was to allow the pope to rest a bit before his hectic schedule of flying around the world in the pope mobile delivering presents to boys and girls, said a Vatican spokesperson.

[all the facts of this story are true, although there were some slight embellishments.]

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

The Rights of the Father: David Goldman Wants His Son

Goldman May Have an Early Christmas Present

The supreme court of Brazil has handed custody of Sean Goldman, now 9 years old, over to his father David Goldman. The two were seen boarding a plane at 9 am this morning, Christmas eve.

If you are unfamiliar with the case, here are the facts. David Goldman and his wife,Bruna, had a child Sean Goldman. The two got divorced. Here is where everything gets ugly. The wife went back to her homeland, Brazil, and remarried there, to a powerful attorney, João Paulo Lins e Silva. She took Sean Goldman with her, abducting him, thinking never to return. The lawyer-husband did adopt Sean. The wife died in childbirth to a new child of the lawyer-husband.[karma?] David Goldman sued for custody of Sean Goldman. Actually, David Goldman had been fighting to get Sean Back since 2004 since the divorce and child abduction. The family of the now widowed husband, the Silvas, refused to give custody of the child.

The supreme court of Brazil stepped in, since it is an international case. The United States and Brazil are signatures to the Hague Convention. This was a clear case of international abduction. They had first decided to keep the boy in Brazil while they made a determination and whether or not the boy would be allowed to testify before a court of law.

I believe that had this case been in America, the courts would have immediately granted custody to the blood father, since he can never waive his rights. The father, David Goldman made plea after plea to return his son back to him. For the Brazilian family to refuse custody, I feel, is shameful. Regardless of the fondness they developed for him, Sean Goldman, it doesn't take away the fact that his biological father was stripped of 5 years of his son's life and had been fighting to get him back the entire time. They should have gladly given the son back. Shame on the daughter for kidnapping the child away from the father.

Well, this story has a happy ending. God bless David Goldman and his son Sean Goldman.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Black Women are the Problem with Black Men

Black Women Single

Oprah Winfrey said it on her show, so obviously she and her staff have seen the same research I have: 70% of Black women are single. This has to be devastating news. And, before you ask about other races, I don't know. And, not to be blunt, I don't care, for the purpose of this article. I wrote an article, that seems to be quite popular: Top Ten Reasons Black Men Won't Date / Marry a Black Woman. Invariable the feedback goes along the same lines as the reasons the Black men gave in the national study on the subject: Black women's pride pushes everyone away, including Black men.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Obama Not Doing Enough nor Anything for Blacks

Is Obama Snubbing Black Americans on Purpose?

Ask any political group [with a brain] and they all agree, "Obama is following lock and step with the policies set forth by George Bush." With a disproportionate representation in unemployment and severely disproportionate representation in incarceration, Blacks America is hemorrhaging from what everyone else sees as a slight slump in the economy. Reports across the nation show Black Americans showing 50% unemployment in some sectors, "last hired, first fired."

  • Blacks disproportionately go to prison [keyword disproportionately]
  • Blacks don't get job when they are qualified for them [keyword qualified]
  • Blacks pay more for insurance
  • Blacks are still being redlined [keyword still] (Redlining is the practice of denying, or increasing the cost of, services such as banking, insurance, access to jobs,access to health care, or even supermarkets to residents in certain, often racially determined, areas. The term "redlining" was coined in the late 1960s by community activists in Chicago. It describes the practice of marking a red line on a map to delineate the area where banks would not invest; later the term was applied to discrimination against a particular group of people (usually by race or gender) no matter the geography. During the heyday of redlining, the areas most frequently discriminated against were black inner city neighborhoods. Through at least the 1990s this practice meant that banks would often lend to lower income whites but not to middle or upper income blacks.)
  • Blacks do not get access to mortgages, even when they have credit scores that are at or above the appropriate level. [keyword appropriate level]

Now we come to the Congressional Black Caucus.

The Caucus describes its goals as "positively influencing the course of events pertinent to African-Americans and others of similar experience and situation," and "achieving greater equity for persons of African descent in the design and content of domestic and international programs and services."

The CBC encapsulates these goals in the following priorities: Closing the achievement and opportunity gaps in education, assuring quality health care for every American, focusing on employment and economic security, ensuring justice for all, retirement security for all Americans, increasing welfare funds and increasing equity in foreign policy.
On its face, I, as a Black man, think the CBC is a complete failure, a failure the heights of which are boundless. The country which had hundreds of Historically Black Colleges to give Black Americans an equal footing and offer even remedial courses to give the poor and the illiterate Blacks a fighting chance, has seen them close in record numbers. Yet the CBC continue the regular congressional practice of adding pork and fat in legislation for their own, state, pet projects. Who cares if the bridge to nowhere gets funding if the local Black college shuts down, throwing tens of thousands of your own constituents back into the dark ages. [but I'm not here to point fingers, so you didn't read that]

In a show of solidarity and trying to appear as if they cared, the CBC came out to the press against the complete lack of attention to Black America as perpetrated by the Obama administration. For the record, I completely agree. For the list provided above, any president, with a heart, would bend over backwards to eradicate once and for all institutional racism which targets the second largest group of Americans in the nation. You can't build a solid tomorrow when whole segments of the population are targeted both by the private and public sector as scapegoats and a means to money launder ill-gained goods.

This administration turns a blind eye to a very obvious and sinister practice: target and make money off of Blacks. This isn't just a case of someone being racist. Racism at its core is nothing. You don't like someone because of their skin, so what. Go cry on someone's shoulder that cares. What I am talking about, and the data shows it, is that people have discovered they can target Blacks and due to government subsidies and programs, make billions of dollars off of it.

Incarcerating a Black person makes $30,000.00 yearly. An academic study in 2001 found the national and state average annual cost to be roughly the same, about $22,600. Adjusting for inflation, the current annual cost figure would amount to $28,200. The federal government’s Bureau of Justice Statistics says that 2,310,984 people are in state and federal correctional facilities. That implies an annual cost of $65 billion. For those of you keeping score at home, that’s more than global beverage giant Coca-Cola’s (NYSE: KO ( 57.24 ↓1.18 (2.02%)) entire annual revenue in 2008.
Do the math. If incarcerating Black people makes more money than Coca-Cola makes around the entire world, do you think just maybe those Blacks might not be as "criminal" as you think? Americans need to grow up. In business, these days, if you can get away with lying, cheating, and stealing AND make a profit doing it, you'll do it. If you can pass mandatory sentencing for petty crimes and misdemeanors, you'll do it. Everyone is aware that congress passes legislation according to campaign contributions. Why is it so bloody hard to understand that nearly every law is now passed that way.

Why are Blacks behind bars? It is statistically impossible that a population that is only 13% represented in the country, could represent 25% of the entire world population behind bars. There are FOUR times the amount of Black people in jail and prison in America than the rest of the world prison population combined. So why are Blacks in jail? Because it makes so much damn money. It makes an ungodly amount of money. It makes so much money you can't even count it nor understand the number.

It’s a $1.6 billion outfit based in Nashville that owns or manages half the outsourced prison beds in the country. It keeps the 44 facilities it owns and the 20 it leases full: In 2008, 2007 and 2006, its average compensated occupancy was 95.5%, 98.2%, and 95.0%, respectively. That’s far better and with a greater economy of scale than the nation’s hotels, which were only 58.5% full as of April 2009.
Can the same be said for higher insurance premiums for Blacks? That's a no-brainer.

Can the same be said for refusing to hire or readily firing Blacks? Ah, you have to remember that there's legislation.... remember way back when hiring Blacks was an issue? and they came up with this whole "Affirmative Action". It was supposed to make everyone equal. They had charts and graphs, figures and spreadsheets. Affirmative Action was supposed to cure Jim Crow southern America. But, what people didn't know is Affirmative Action only applied to corporation with government contracts and who received government money. So to make money they complied with Affirmative Action. So you comply by putting into plan to hire minorities and women. Hire them. Then fire them immediately after you have your money. The same is said of schools. Schools comply with affirmative action, then raise tuition for all students, which is their ultimate goal anyway. The more government money they receive, by barely complying, the larger their coffers become. No more Blacks are educated today than they did 25 years ago, in fact the numbers have gone drastically down.

Did the Clinton or Bush administration speak to these issues? No! Has the Obama administration spoken to these issues? Let's see what the Congressional Black Caucus has to say.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said that the administration hasn't done enough to target the African-American community when drafting economic recovery plans. African Americans, she said, have suffered a “devastation” during the economic downturn unlike the pain felt in other communities.

“When you have disproportionate pain, when you have the kind of devastation that we’re having in our community….You have to target legislation and actions so that you can deal with that devastation,” Waters said on TV One's "Washington Watch." “You have two sick patients. One has pneumonia and one has a cold. You don’t give aspirin to the one with pneumonia.”

Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) agreed. “It’s absolutely ludicrous to us that most Americans took a haircut in the recession,” Cleaver said. “African Americans took a beheading. To say that we’re going to ignore the community in terms of doing damage, but to say that we’re not going to target them [in the recovery is] ludicrous.”

“There’s no rift between the Congressional Black Caucus and the president and the administration,” said Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.). “I believe the president gets it.”

It has been said that President Obama is following the Bush policies succinctly. If you lay the two administrations plans side by side, you can clearly see that there is little to no deviation. Some even say that the Obama administration is the Bush policies carried to the next level, greater spending and more money laundering by Wall Street under the guise of these bailouts. Clearly the administration, that progressive whites and Blacks alike had hoped would put to wrest the question of racism and the complete subjugation of whole sectors of Black Americans has gone not only unanswered, but ignored.

In fact one reporter that asked President Obama, in his 100 days speech, directly "what will you do about the 50% unemployment rate of Black men in New york," was completely ignored.

The hand writing was on the wall way back then. We are now closing in on the one year anniversary of the Obama presidency, and nothing has been done, in fact it is now worsened with rising unemployment. The entire world expected president Obama to "clean up" America's long standing apartheid practices. The U.N. constantly spoke out against Bush not doing anything about the apartheid situation in America, and now they see with the Obama administration those speeches are falling on deaf ears.

It is a case of the first female to get a position of power so she overcompensates by being harder than all of her male predecessors. President Obama is going out of his way to avoid Black Americans. One political pundit said he is trying to avoid being looked upon as a civil rights activist.

Frankly, in my opinion, ALL of our civil rights and civil liberties and constitutional rights are being treaded upon by the Federal Reserve Bank, Wall Street, congress and this administration and state and local governments. We need a president to stand up for us and uphold the constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
However the patriot act is still in place and is being enforced in such a manner that people cannot even tell you they are a victim of it. White people think they have it great right now, but all of these atrocities are going to be visited upon them, then who will speak out for them?

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dexter Season Finale Leaves Audience Twisting in the Wind

Dexter vs. Trinity

Well you know Dexter and Trinity had to come to its ultimate climax. And, you knew Debra couldn't leave well enough alone and had to dig up Dexter's past and confront him with it. But, did we all know the last 3 minutes of the episode would leave us twisting in the wind? Here we are sitting thinking that Dexter is going to kill his arch-nemesis in Trinity and live happily ever after. But then, why would we tune in for the next season? I mean it's a great scene that Dexter butchers up the venerable serial killer Trinity, but that doesn't leaven any hook for next season.

At the beginning of the episode Dexter is nearly comical. Trinity has him completely befuddled and confused. His inner demon tries to shake some sense into him, to no avail. He decks poor Quinn, who is just trying to do his job. But, can you blame Dexter? Trinity finds out who Dexter really is, name, address, social security number, oh and uh... wife and kids.

Dexter tries to chase down Trinity in a car chase scene about as good as ... well as intriguing as I would have directed, and that's a huge insult. In the scene he clips a guy's rear view mirror. [foreshadowing] "I'll deal with that later", Dexter says. He catches Trinity unawares, drugs him, throws him in the back of his "come here little girl I got some candy"-van and is about to get away with everything when suddenly....

The rear view mirror guy shows up with 2 cops. Enter new scene with the worst acting, and unrealism in history. Dexter flashes his forensics badge to no avail and the cops actually arrest him, regardless of his telling them he's on a crime investigation 'IN PROGRESS'. Let me repeat this, Dexter says, "I'm in progress of chasing down a suspect right now". And, the police quip "that might work up-town but at the sheriff's office it doesn't work." Come again? Did they even run that scene by a police at all? I mean they coulda just stopped a traffic cop and had him look that over and he would have shut-er-down. There's no accounting to talent in Hollywood. *sigh* So Dexter is landed in actual jail, away from drugged up Trinity. Oh and apparently Trinity has emptied all of his bank accounts, hmmm going somewhere?

His inner demon appears to him while in jail. Once again, it asks, "what are you doing," which is the same question audiences are asking right about now. I mean, is this the same smooth Dexter that I've been watching all season? [was the writing this bad all season?]

The next scene fast forwards through 5 hours in 15 minutes. Ready? Dexter is bailed out by his wife, who wants to go on a honeymoon, since the kids, except for the infant, are all going to be in Disneyland. They argue over his being in jail and what is going on and why don't you open up to me. [typical movie-girl BS] Dexter convinces her to go on ahead to the honeymoon, while he finishes up. Dexter returns to the kiddie porn van to find Trinity gone. But, Dexter reaches up in the ceiling of the parking lot where he hid all of Trinity's money. Trinity is shown coming home and terrorizing his family to give him everything valuable. We have a brief battered-wife scene between the wife and eldest son, but nothing comes of it. Dexter shows up minutes later to ask where Trinity is. Wife is is still whiny and is casually talking to him, with the son, who is the only one with some balls, when suddenly!!!!! The police swat team busts through the front door. Dexter narrowly slips out the back. Dexter emerges from a coffin in the garage and plays it cool when the police come in.

Start scene with Debra confronting Dexter about his long lost brother, whom we find is non other than the Ice Truck Killer. Debra however doesn't actually know anything about Dexter. Because of course she's too stupid to put 2 and 2 together. Dexter is self doubting and says she would be better off without him in her life. To which she retorts, "it's because of you that I am the person I am today." [I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but she apparently thinks it is.]

But wait, Debra was the one that helped a little kidnapped kid remember Trinity, or the logo to his charitable organization. She singlehandedly tracked down that it was Trinity doing the mass murders, which is why the police burst through the doors.

Ok, all that's over and finally we get to Dexter being the pink panther he always was. Trinity has fixed his car, and had it repainted. We saw Dexter earlier at the police break-in, notice the smashed car window of the Mustang. [foreshadowing] It is now night time and Trinity suddenly gets car trouble. It is a dark and deserted road. Suddenly Dexter jumps him. Flash to a scene with Trinity naked and taped to a table. [did we really need to say a naked, old John Lithgow?] They have the father son, Darth Vader - I know more than you do - serial killer conversation. Trinity asks Dexter, "do you think you're better than me?" Dexter of course says no. Dexter asks, "what's the other option, disappear and start life over somewhere else?" To which, Trinity replies, "no, you'll still be you." Hack, slack, smack, saw saw saw, whirrrr, buzzz. Trinity is now in neat little bags and thrown into the ocean, off the back of Dexter's boat.

Hmmm, that was a boring episode, to say it's a finale. But, wait, there's 3 minutes left. Dexter comes home to start packing to meat his blushing bride on their honeymoon. He gets a message on his phone, which apparently AT&T really sucks at delivering on time, since the message was like 4 hours old, She came home because she forgot her I.D. We assume she popped in and went back out. He calls her phone to say he's on his way. But, the phone rings 2 feet in front of him, in her purse. Suddenly!!! The infant starts crying. He goes into the bathroom to find the infant [spotlight] sitting in a pool of blood. Rita is in the tub dead in a tub filled with blood. Dexter flash backs to his own childhood where he was found sitting in a pool of blood and the police officer picks him up and puts him over his shoulder. Dexter goes over to his infant son, picks him up and puts him over his shoulder. [end]

Meh, if better people wrote this, this finale would have been superb. I sat in a chat room with about 700 other people. We were booing throughout the performance. The writing took away from the story. I mean come on, John Lightgow?

Afterwards Dexter [don't know his name] and John Lithgow gives some insights to the episodes. The two were more eloquent than the episode itself. Their analysis of the episode was more compelling than any of the writing. So what that Trinity killed Rita. We all knew he was going to do it. The entire plot was Dexter trying to avoid him getting to her. So where is the surprise that he killed her? That's not quite a twist. But, I guess for the more stupid viewers it was a twist they didn't expect.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Friday, December 11, 2009

Shopping While Black

The Aweful Truth of Who Steals in Stores

1. "May I help you?" she said as I looked through the top of the line, non-stick pots and pans. I had been there 20 minutes looking and deciding If I should get the whole set, which would replace some pieces I bought only recently from other name-brands. Of course it would be a waste, but buying the set seemed more economical than buying the missing pieces from my kitchen set. I turned to her and observed she wasn't looking to be useful, but said it as a warning to get out. "No I'm just looking," I said nonchalantly. She stood there blocking my view now. She said nothing else and simply stood there like a Catholic nun shooing me off with her look.

Racial profiling in stores is so prevalent that researchers have even given it a name -- Shopping While Black. When it happens, black shoppers are made to feel both unwelcome and under suspicion

2. I walked into the electronics store. I had just received a bonus at work out of the blue and felt I should treat myself to some new gadget. I wasn't prepared for the astonishing amount of new gadgets on display. The labels with the price tags did not help either since they were written in store codes only the clerks could understand. I stood looking puzzled for 10 minutes. The clerks were gathered around the desk talking to each other about what they did last night. I noticed they would occasionally look over and sigh in my direction. A Black customer was walking out and said over his shoulder, "maybe someone should help this man, he has several expensive suits in his hand, obviously he wants to spend money." Finally a clerk comes over and says, "yes!" But, just then a white customer walks in and she greets them and asks can she help. All the other clerks also greet the customer. Then another white customer walks in and they all greet him too. I am paralyzed with disgust. I simply leave and go to a shop that doesn't treat me like a pariah.

"Most retail inventory loss statistics have show that [sic] the majority of shoplifters to be of the Caucasian race. To concentrate surveillance on minority customers is not only improper, but is an ineffective method of controlling shoplifting losses at most locations."

3. I'm looking at the underwear section digging through the sizes and not having a good time. For every time I find my size, it's not the color I want. And, there are so many that my digging is tedious and time consuming. Suddenly, I feel eyes on my back. In my peripheral vision, I see a husky man to one side and a husky unattractive woman to another side. They are painfully pretending to shop. As I move to the shirts section, they mirror me. I'm not one given to being stalked though and so I leave, putting back everything I had picked up to buy. This would seem like a rare incident, but it happens immediately when I enter stores and very very often. As soon as I open the door it seems the stalkers are there. I haven't done anything suspicious except walk in the store and I'm immediately being shadowed and followed.

"Statistically, the most likely person to steal from a store is a store employee. The next most likely to steal is a college educated white male. Hmm -- could it be that the real reason that store employees and white managers make such a point of targeting black shoppers is that it creates a perfect smokescreen for their own dishonesty and greed -- not only can they rob the stores blind, they can then point the finger of blame at a visually conspicuous victim."

One more note: if the media weren't so racist, racism would die out -- the media is the single most culpable institution when it comes to racial stereotyping. Turn on the news, open a newspaper and SHOW me the stories where blacks (or latinos for that matter) are portrayed in an accurate, positive light. There's a lot of money at stake in maintaining this racist atmosphere -- prisons, for instance, are huge sources of revenue; and ensuring a perpetual underclass of minorities means less competition in the job market for white people.

The country is clearly ready for change -- witness the election of President Obama -- but until and unless the media starts serving the population as a whole, rather than an entitled and greedy subsection of it -- we won't see any real change in this country. The frightening thing about this is that not content with corrupting this country with racism, we also sell our racist television shows to other countries in order to spread the poison further. Anytime you do come across a rare show that features inter-racial couples whose primary focus is the actual relationship and not their race, you can pretty much count on that show being canceled. Think "Wonderfalls" or "Firefly" or any one of a dozen more amazing shows. What planet are the people in charge of programming living on? They are so far out of touch with reality, they might as well be living on Saturn. Look around you. The color of this country is not just changing. It has already changed. Ratings are falling for a reason. 

Race still sells in the news.  And, telling republicans that Blacks are crooks and thieves, still gets viewership.   Telling democrats that the Blacks they have hated for nearly a century now, since the beginning of the KKK, which was started by southern DEMOCRATS, still sows fear into nice white democrat homes.

Meanwhile Black entrepreneurs are suffering mega-setbacks by not being able to open Black owned stores.  Couple that with a staggering 25% unemployment amongst the Americanized Africans in this country and you continually see the widening of the economic gap between whites and Black, and yet you do NOT see a spike in theft among Blacks in this country.

The larger firms that know security and research loss prevention all point to whites as the largest purveyor of store shrinkage.  Yet, the news and media continues to fuel the fires of thinking Blacks have somehow cornered the market on theft.  Peruse and court papers for any length of time and you'll see it is not even remotely true.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Final Battle of Arthas: Patch 3.3

World of Warcraft Unleashes the Litchking

The ultimate stage of the latest expansion of World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Litchking is upon us. The ultimate villain of the entire lore is being unleashed in this patch 3.3. We finally meet and face Prince Arthas. But, don't rush out and think you're going to meet him right away. Apparently you have to unlock him. You start a quest line that begins the chain for unlocking him.

This chain however is done through 5 player instances. So while the encounter is a 10 and 25 man raid, the quest line itself is doable with a regular group... and speaking of regular group.

You will now be able to do cross realm groups. So forget about sitting all day looking for a group. Or, forget about making sure you log in 9-5 on your realm to catch a group. With cross realm groups, you'll have a wide variety of people you can team up with. So you can do badge runs all day, to your hearts content.

There is also quite a bit of changes coming in place.

- Classes: will not start out with their signature powers - for example rogues start with stealth and dual-wield etc... No longer will you have to quest for your signature powers or wait for 10 levels before you get them, or longer in some cases where the quest was hard, and no one is ever around any more in those zones.

- Summoning stones: no longer will you not be able to summon if you're 10 levels above the instance. You can rush your lower level buddies through instances, and summon them using the summoning stones.

- LFG: as mentioned above you can now group cross realm. The entire LFG window has been revamped. It's far ore detailed and you can see people's comments on mouse over. Also, the number of instances queued for is no longer just 3 [thank god]. However, you now have a vote kick from a group. There is possible abuse in this feature. But, group loot is set to a minimum of need before greed and you can't change that aspect of it. No more mages needing on plate-mail.

- Instance requirements: some instances now have minimum requirements. So if you don't meet the minimum gear requirements, you won't be able to enter. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing.

- Need, Greed, Disenchant: a new selection is avialable in the loot window, disenchant. If there is an enchanter that is high enough skill in the group, selecting disenchant is an automatic roll like greed. If everyone selects greed/disenchant, the item is automatically disenchanted and the highest roller wins. Need, always beats either of them. And, the enchanter never touches the item.

So there are the highlights to patch 3.3.

Oh, I almost forgot. Players who take part in groups who have one or more members who have been matched with them randomly from within the Dungeon Finder will receive extra rewards, up to and including the coveted Perky Pug non-combat pet. The more random players with whom one groups, the faster the pet can be obtained.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Monday, December 7, 2009

Poor Tiger Woods

The Infidelity Report: Why We aren't Paying Attention to the Patriot Act

6:00 A.M. Monday morning, a report comes across my desk of a porn star coming out saying she is the latest mistress of Tiger Woods. For those who do not know, Tiger Woods is a Black golfing professional. He is known the world over and is the richest sports figure alive today. Another report hits my desk monitoring the British tabloids, who are saying that not 7 but 10 mistresses have been linked to the Black golfing pro. The country is gripped with the scandal. To make matters worse, it is leaked that Oprah Winfrey made a confidential call to the Woods camp to offer her support and a chance to give him an opportunity to tell his side of the story on her show. This would be one of the largest television events this year if the Woods camp agreed.

Meanwhile real news was coming across my desk. It struck me as odd that the company was in the grips of media hysteria over a golfing pros personal infidelities. I mean, GOLF? No seriously, who actually watches GOLF? I don't know anyone personally that watches golf. Oh they may know Tiger Wood's name, but they don't watch, nor follow him. I pick up the phone can phone one of my cousins, one of the many that are pro football players. I ask him about Woods and golf. He affirms my suspicions. No one watches golf, none of his fellow team members, not even the management.

So I'm left with the question of how could the entire country be gripped with this story about a Black golf pro. Then it hit me.

It's a distraction.
The real news that was on my desk was still smoking from the heat of the story. It was burning a hole in the shiny wood of my desk it was so hot. But, who cares about malls being turned into prisons and break ins by the FBI into people's homes in the past 24 hours, they have to watch Oprah and the latest whore that the self-hating Tiger Woods got his dick sucked by. The white people are fawning all over this guy. This is the same person that denied they were Black. Yet, rest assured the white people are laughing their butts off over this scandal, because regardless of what he says, he is just a jigaboo in their eyes and they pray he loses all of his endorsements and gets laughed out of golf. After all, golf is for rich white men, not a jigaboo that doesn't even realise they don't want him in their clubs.

Meanwhile, I'm stuck with the real news on my desk wondering when this stupidity over this clown will subside and the media starts reporting the real material.

But, by then maybe Obama's love child will come out and we find that he's a gay transvestite illegal alien terrorist and wants to be united with daddy Obama.

If you are distracted by Tiger Woods and his whores, you deserve what you get. Don't wake up one day and your house, bank account, children's schools are all gone and you're being herded into a nazi style concentration camp. Don't demand your freedoms guaranteed by the constitution then, because it will be too late.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Eating While Black

Scenarios of eating while black

I'm sitting enjoying ice cream with my wife at the local mall. We had just finished our Christmas shopping. I was going over in my head the list of toys I had bought and that secret something for the misses, she didn't know about. Well I hoped she didn't know, but I'm sure she probably knew about it before I even thought about it. The food court has a nice open ceiling to it. The snow gently fall through it, but we're warmed by electric braziers set around the food court. Suddenly I'm surrounded by 25 men in military fatigues, all pointing machine guns at me. I'm ordered to stand up and to get on the wet ground. People gasp and hide their children's faces. The armed men grab me and tell me to take my hands out of my pockets. At this point, I've had about enough of this. They say they are cops. Then suddenly my vision goes dark and pain shoots throughout my body. My heart! I've been tazered by these white thugs in front of everyone, and I look and see that my wife is too.

- This is the case of Major T Lemon on December 24th, 2007 in Wisconsin. There was an anonymous 911 call saying there was a "man" standing in the food court and that someone saw a gun. Apparently Wisconsin is one of the states that outlaws the constitutional right to bear arms. It seems the millions of idiots that live there have never sued the state on the basis of its unconstitutional laws. Be that as it may, this man was eating Gelato [Italian for ice cream] and ended up in the hospital, and was even charged for resisting arrest, although clearly no gun was found. He was simply eating while black. He was even trespassed off the property.

In this instance, the police did absolutely no police work. They had an anonymous tip with unsubstantiated corroborative evidence. In fact the victim in this case, Mr. Lemon, had all of his constitutional rights violated. Checking into the story a bit deeper Mr. Lemon was being targeted and the police were the goon squad that were the trap sprung in full view of the public. This was not a case of mistaken identity, it was a case of completely false information.

Mr. Lemon was an outspoken critic of the police, and the police were all too happy to carry out injustice and public humiliation. Least of the commentary about this situation is the fact that Wisconsin is a bastion of unconstitutionality. I can even imagine that when the police arrived at the mall, they saw Lemon first and then went to the security booth and pointed him out to see if he were the guy with the gun. Of course Lemon had no gun. But, at that point the whole scenario of the gun was beyond the police and they had their "scumbag" with his wife twitching on the ground. Thankfully, Lemon's bad heart did not burst from the tazer or the full blown nightmare of their police debacle would have been evident.

The media was all too happy to paint Mr. Lemon as a "scumbag". Not a single report came on the side of Mr. Lemon. Instead of reporting "Innocent Man and Wife Tazered While Eating Gelato at Local Mall" they all ran with "Suspected Gun Man Tazered in Local Mall". Who cares that no gun was found? Who cares that no OTHER gun man was found? Gone is any notion of independent reporting. Either the police have the paper editors by the balls or the newspaper felt it their obligation to paint a Black man as some scary gun toating menace to society. Except,... he was sitting eating gelato with his wife, a very unlikely scenario. This fact is lost on both the media and the police.

I'm sitting enjoying a nice fresh lobster, fresh squeezed lemon with my bib on, enjoying the meal with my friends. Suddenly [yes i did nothing but eat] a cop appears before me and tells me to "stand up and keep your hands where I can see them". Clearly this guy is something out of deliverance. He shoves me and then he and his buddy cop throw me to the ground and handcuff me.

- This is the real life story of Baltimore Raven rookie Tony Fein. Fein attended Ole Miss and was signed as a free agent in June following a minicamp tryout. He is an Iraq veteran who served in the Army for more than three years before playing college ball. In two seasons at Ole Miss, he had 136 tackles (77 solo) in 24 games, according to the Ravens Web site. The real story is that one of the restaurant employees saw a group of white men passing what he thought was a gun from one to another at the table, but it turned out to be a cell phone. The officers arrived on the scene and went over to Fein instead. A clear case of eating while black. Regardless of what reports say, Fein has never been in trouble with the law and has never owned any weapon. The cop tried to say Fein shoved him and caused him to fall and injure his elbow. Fein was charged with assaulting a police officer, yet immediately released.

This isn't even a case of mistaken identity. The call was made about the white group of men. The policeman took it upon himself to turn away from the white group and harass Mr. Fein. It isn't even a case of bad police work, because the dirty cop knew who the suspects were. I would hope that Mr. Fein would not only seek a very lucrative law suit, but seek to have both dirty cops removed off the streets of Baltimore.

In any instance were police are the bullies and antagonist, it is our duty to have them removed from the force. There is simply no leeway given to someone that has a gun, and can kill citizens without remorse to be in such a position. Everyone wants to jump on the side of the police, when it is the citizens that are at the end of these dirty cops. Police have to be better, faster, stronger and smarter, not dirty, degenerate, low-life, scum and villany. Police have to know the constitution like the back of their hands. They cannot plead ignorance, nor seek leeway in their line of duty.

Regarding and observing our constitutional rights is the minimum benchmark for police work to begin. We cannot say "but he's doing his police work, cut him some slack". If the police have to step on the constitution to perform their line of work, then they don't need to be police. Why? Because thousands upon thousands of good cops are out there all day long that don't tread on the constitution as an excuse for doing their duty or carrying out police work. It is an insult to these good cops to say that the scumbag cops are our lowered expectations of how police work is handled. Do we lower the bar for the retards on the police force to function? Or, do we keep the bar to the expectations we have for the good cops to perform.


While white people often feel that Black people inordinately portray themselves as being the targets of race, they only do so when they think the person saying so is beneath them. There have been thousands of reports of doctors, lawyers, police chiefs, judges, etc... that have all come out and said they have been the target of racism also. If all the ducks quack, don't you think perhaps, just perhaps you might want to go check the shed for the fox?

I'm the victim of racism by the police all the time. Almost exclusively so. In fact, since I have been out of school, the only racism I have received has been from police and no one else. At 6'3 240lbs and good looking, most normal citizens wouldn't dream of antagonizing me, but not the police. When I managed stores and called for help, they didn't show up. And, I don't live in a bad neighborhood. I nearly have a doctorates degree and carry myself like I own the world. I said that to say, I have no reason to nonchalantly play the race card.

The police are out of control. There is zero police work done these days. They think that cutting corners is the way to go.

What you should do if you're stopped by the police while eating while Black -
  • remain absolutely silent to any questions
  • if asked for anything tell them you do NOT give them permission
  • if asked to stand, sit, move, come, go inform them that you do not give them permission to order you around and it is against your constitutional rights
  • ask for their superior to come to the sight
  • request to see their badge and I.D. [there are not too few cases of people impersonating cops who take people from public view and murder them]
If you are afraid of going to jail, you're going to jail anyway. Get it in your mind that you are going to jail. Based on this viewpoint then, not giving police permission to completely rape you and trash all of your CONSTITUTIONAL rights is your DUTY. YOU have to protect your constitutional rights. Dirty scumbag cop? Yes, even against a scumbag cop. Cops rely on you to violate your own constitutional rights. Cops rely on your to give up your rights by giving them permission.

  1. if you do not give your permission to be searched, they cannot search you
  2. if you do not give your permission to be seized, they cannot seize you
  3. if you do not give your permission to be ordered around, they cannot order you around
Anyone who would say that you not giving permission is not "cooperating with the cops" are neither a patriot, nor even intelligent. It is your duty to protect yourself, even against cops. We live in a day and age where our survival is threatened by both criminals and cops. If you don't wake up and realize this, you'll end up not only with your constitutional rights trampled on, you can end up dead easily. Police carry guns and aren't afraid to use them.

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live

Black People in Public: Exploring Us in Detail

Is There a Problem with Blacks in Public

This is a series I have wanted to do for a long time. From time to time I have worked in a public situation, coming face to face with customers. I have heard every gruesome tale from both coworkers, other customers and management. The general consensus is that Blacks in public is a negative situation. In this series I will go situation by situation to explore whether there is a right side or wrong side of the equation. I will give my opinion all the way through.

Right, so let me detail what the situations are and in the following series I will research, debate and explore each circumstance. These will be:

  • Eating out
  • Retail shopping
  • Working in a restaurant as a Black person
  • Working as a retail salesperson
  • Owning a Black owned customer oriented business
  • Working in a customer service position
Eating out - I will explore the tremendous negative opinion everyone has about serving Black customers.

Retail shopping - I will explore the tremendous negative opinion everyone has about both being Black and going shopping and workers hating to approach Black customers.

Working in a restaurant as a Black person - I will explore the sheer and utter stupidity of the public in dealing with a Black waiter, host or bartender.

Working as a retail salesperson - I will explore the complete shameful behavior of the public dealing with a Black salesperson.

Owning a Black owned customer oriented business - I will explore how a Black business owner deals with the dastardly behavior of the public dealing with a Black owned business, whether they know or don't know that the owner is black or that the person they are talking to is the actual owner and not some mere salesperson.

Working in a customer service position - I will explore the awful experience Black workers face versus racist bosses, racists customers and a system geared to making sure Black workers are constantly fired and trying to build up a reputation in a customer service industry.

I would appreciate lots of input and comments from you, my readers. My research is quite thorough on each subject, so understand that I am speaking with actual numbers behind each of my topics, and not my opinion [in fact none of my blog is my pure opinion].

Please visit my legal website: Las Vegas DUI Attorney
See me on YouTube: Shakaama Live